Chapter 13: A Day Full of Art

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*Bzzzzzt* *Bzzzzzt* *Bzzzzzt*

The sound of my alarm pierced through my ears.

I'm still really sleepy, I got home at about 3:00 AM and waking up at 7:00 AM is not fair, plus I have a major hang over yesterday.

I took my phone and called Rey. I told him I'll be over maybe after lunch. He agreed and I closed my eyes again to sleep.


"Hey! You're alive!" Rey cheered as I enter the office.

"Yeah, I was really sleepy earlier that I need few more hours of shut eye" I explained.

"Wow, did you stay up really late last night?" he asked.

"A bit" I answered, trying to decide if I should tell him what really happened, why I did not get enough sleep.

"Oh! By the way, I called a towing company earlier. Someone left a motorcycle parked on our lot overnight. Did you notice it when you last night?"

Shit! I totally forgot about that! Even I don't want to tell Rey what happened, fate is making me.

"Damn! I forgot to tell you about that" I said.

"About what?"

"The motorcycle is Tori's. I saw her beaten up last night and I offered her a ride home, so we left it there" I explained.

"Whoops, you should have told me. It's already at the lot" Rey answered while scratching his chin. "Were you with her until this morning?!" he exclaimed.

"God, no! I got home around 3 AM. That's why I was so tired" I replied defensively.

"Oh, okay" he said with a smirk.

"I'll just pay the towing company and give her the papers so she can get it. You know where her shop is right?" I asked Rey.

"Yup, just around the corner. From our parking lot, just walk to your left. Once you reach the next street, it's just across. The name of the shop is Sin Ink-orporated" he answered.

"Got it" I grabbed my keys and bag to head towards the towing company we usually hire.


I payed the towing company to get Tori's bike and kept the release papers with me. I went to the shop Rey mentioned but it looks closed.

Then, I remembered what Tori said to Emily last night - that she won't stay on her apartment for a while because of the thugs who mugged her. Does it mean that she won't open her shop for now? So I suppose she's still at their house - I said out loud trying to figure out everything.

I got back in my car and thought if I'll ask Rey to come with me at Tori's house. Then it hit me, I believe Tori won't appreciate if another person knew that she's a Sinclair. So, I decided to go back on my own.


I reached their house, or should I say mansion. I rang the door bell and I heard someone spoke on the small speaker box near the door.

"Who is it?"

"Uhmh.. I'm Brie. I was here last night with Tori"

Then I heard nothing but silence. Suddenly the door opened and the graceful Emily walked towards the door to greet me.

"You came back! I was looking for you at breakfast" she said and gave me a tight hug pushing my face on her plump breasts.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I have a business to run so I can't stay overnight" I explained while catching my breath. Her huge breasts suffocated the hell out of me from that hug.

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