Chapter 24: Isolation

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My car raced through the streets as I head to the Sinclair's network station. I have a feeling Tori's dad and Alex won't like what she has done. To make things worse, she did it all for me.

I parked and ran to the entrance.

"Do you have a badge miss?" the security guard asked.

"No, but I need to get in there. It's urgent" I said frantically.

"I cannot let you in without a badge" he insisted.

"Let us through" a familiar voice commanded.

I turned around and saw Emily, her hands crossed in front of her.

"Yes ma'am" the security guard replied and immediately pushed the door to let us in.

"I figured you'd rush here. As soon as I saw the interview I didn't waste any second to get here" Emily said, her voice is a bit shaky. I can tell she's as worried as I am.

We sprinted along the halls of the building, Emily leading the way since she knows the place like the back of her hand.

We entered a secured hall that can only be opened with a badge. I can see a door at the end of it, that must be their private office - I said to myself.

Before we could get closer we heard a loud crash coming from the room. Emily and I looked at each other, I bet the expression on her face is the same as mine - scared, worried.

Emily immediately opened the door, there I saw Tori laying on the floor, her back is leaning on a shelf that's partly broken. Facing her is Alex, with his fist squeezed tightly.

"You bastard!! Why the hell did you do that?!!" Alex growled and stepped closer to Tori, aiming for another punch.

I ran towards Tori and Emily towards Alex.

"Stop! Alex!" Emily yelled at their furious brother. She pulled Alex's hand to stop him from punching Tori.

I kneeled down to Tori, who's evidently hurt from the previous attack.

"Stop favouring her! You're also one of the reasons why she keeps disobeying us! You and mom keep protecting that bastard!!" Alex snarled at Emily and pulled his arm away from her.

"Please stop, this is all my fault" I said and stood in front of Tori and faced Alex.

Tori held my hand and whispered "Don't"

I just looked at her and tried my best to held back my tears. Seeing her hurt because of me breaks my heart. I gave her a soft smile and looked back at Alex.

"She did it because of me. Grace threatened to shut down my business if I'll mess up the engagement and the business partnership" I continued.

Emily looked at me and Alex's eyes became more furious.

"The hell?!!!" Alex snarled and placed his hand on his forehead. "You gave away a business where we could've earned millions for just a lousy coffee shop?!! You are really out of your mind!" he said coldly.

His words pierced through my heart like daggers. I know it's just a café, nothing compared to the mall they're about to build, but I put that up with everything I have. I want to answer back, but it will just make things worse.

"Y-you're wrong" Tori softly said, while trying to slowly get up.

"What?!" Alex replied.

"I said you're wrong. That is not just a lousy coffee shop. It's worth much more than a million" Tori continued.

"As I've said, you are insane! How could a small coffee shop worth more than a million?! I'll punch you again to get your brain working!!"

"Alex! Damn it!!" Emily yelled and pulled Alex away from Tori again.

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