Chapter 6: Stepping into the Limelight

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"I'll go out and check if we can get a spot on the upcoming food festival. It will be a good promotion for our café" I told Rey as he's busy checking all sales for the past month.

"Sure thing, I can manage until closing. You can spend the day off" he replied.

"Nah, just doing it for the business" I said and walked out of the office.

My life's been peaceful since Rey came back. I don't have to leave the office that often because he's the one helping our staff. That means I don't get to see those two assholes, Tori and Levi.

I still see both come in to my café but because I spend most of my time inside, I don't get to deal with them anymore. But I guess, I spoke too soon.

As soon as I step out of the café, a canary-yellow, convertible Nissan Roadster stopped in front of me.

"Well if it isn't the barbaric manager of my favorite café" Levi said taking off her sunglasses to show those annoying glares.

"Can you park appropriately? You're blocking my customers way" I replied, then she hopped off her car and walked towards me.

"You are really something, most girls would immediately jump in my car if I greet them"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I disappoint you?" I answered sarcastically.

"No, as a matter of fact it makes me more interested in you" her answer caught me off guard, I felt a sudden blush on my cheeks.

"Aw looks who's blushing. You're cute" she said and rubbed my cheeks with her thumb. Her words sent a gush of anger to my whole being, my fist clenched and flew onto her face.

"Ow! What the hell!" she yelled and held her hand over her cheekbone where my fist landed.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I growled and stomped away from her.

I got in my car and looked at my rear view mirror. She's still standing by her car holding her right cheek. Serves her right! I backed up and drove away from the café.


The next morning, I saw the same car the moment I flipped the café sign to Open.

"Oh, God. Here we go again" I said to myself and walked inside my office, so I won't see her stupid face.

Few minutes later, Rey came in.

"Good morning" I greeted him and he just looked at me.


"Levi is out there looking for you. Is it true that you punched her on the face?" Rey asked with those eyes telling me that I did something terrible.

"I uh... I might have. But that's because I was defending myself!" I replied.

"I'm sure you are, but you don't need to physically hurt her...again. Now, she wants you to apologize to her or else she'll bring this up to the media"

"Fine, I'll do it. Let her come in. But I'm only doing this for the café's sake" I said and let out a sigh of defeat.

Rey smiled at me and went out to get Levi. I feel sick just by thinking that I would apologize to that narcissist jerk. I don't think my actions are wrong, she did that to herself. But I have to do this for my business and everyone working for me. I shook my head and felt that I'm having a migraine.

"Come in" Rey said as he opened the door for Levi. She's wearing her black sunglasses, a white plain shirt, ripped jeans and white rubber shoes.

"So you have something to tell me?" Levi said with a smirk. How I wish I could punch that face again to get rid of that stupid smile. I calmed myself down before I answered.

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