Chapter 26: Missing In Action

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Tori had to leave yesterday, she said Emily and her had to make business arrangements because of all the fuss she made. I was hoping she'd be home last night but she said they still have appointments today.

I'm bored in this cabin without her, so I decided to give Rey a call.

"Hey! Sis! How's everything?" I asked when he picked up the phone.

"Brie! Thank God you called! Can you comeover here? Mike got injured on our hike yesterday. He needs company 'cause he still can't walk and I need to be at the café, at least half the day" he replied.

"Oh no, is he okay? Sure, I'll let Tori know. She's actually there for some business appointments" I told Rey and hang up to give Tori a call.

"I'm not available at the moment, just leave a message" Tori did not pick up so I just left a message on her voice mail, telling her that I need to go to Mike.

She did give me Joe's number just in case I need someone to drive me around, so I decided to call him.


After almost an hour, I arrived at the hospital where Mike is. I still feel worried that someone might recognize me, but hopefully no one would.

"Rey? It's me" I called out the door of the room number he mentioned on his text.

Rey opened the door and gave me a tight hug "I missed you!"

I looked over his shoulder and saw Mike on the bed with his right foot held up in a cast. He just waved at me and smiled.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I got my foot fractured. Sorry to trouble you" he replied and I just shook my head.

"You're like a brother to me. Everything's fine" I smiled at him.


Rey went back to the café, leaving me and Mike alone.

"So, how's it going with your wife?" he teased.

"It's been going well, minus all the precautions I had to do before going here. I don't want the press flocking all over me" I said and he laughed.

"I know, the café is always swarmed with press since the day you left. Rey had to take down the pictures at the café with you in it" he stated.

"Uhm, excuse me?" a nurse knocked on the door and interrupted our conversation.

"Sir Mike can be discharged today, we just need someone to sign the forms at the desk" she said.

"I'll go with you" I answered.

I walked with her towards the front desk then heard someone called me.

"Brie? Brie!!" a teenage girl with long black hair called and ran towards me.

"Who? Pauline?" I said, recognizing that adorable face. Few steps behind her is a tall stud, with tanned skin and black hair -- it's Levi.

"It's been so long! I was really looking forward to see you again" she said and hugged me. Levi just waved and gave a soft smile. Is she mad at me?

"What are you two doing here?" I asked. I mean this is a hospital, so I hope no one else was hurt aside from Mike.

"I just signed up for a training here. I'll take up nursing courses in the next months here in the city. I'll be staying with Levi from now on" she replied.

"That's good to hear" I said and looked at Levi again. She seems happy for her sister.

"We saw the announcement few days ago, so I'm not really expecting to see you here" Pauline suddenly said and I hushed her.

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