Chapter 7: Underneath The Tattoo

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It's almost eleven at night when I finally finished my paper works. I had to make sure all documents are complete so we can participate in the upcoming food festival.

I didn't ask Rey to wait for me 'cause it's Saturday night and he has plans with Mike.

I locked the café and walked to my car, the only one that's left parked in our lot. I opened my bag to get my keys, then my phone dropped. I was so worried that the screen cracked so I did not notice my bag is wide open. All of its contents fell off -- my make-up, pen, gum, planner, wallet and car keys.

Shit! I said out loud when my things slid to the side where the catch basin is. My pen fell inside, so is my planner. Good thing my wallet and keys are just by the side of it. I picked up my wallet and for some stupid reason I did not hold on to my car keys when I picked it up.

Fuck! The keys fell into the basin to accompany my pen and planner in that dark sewer.

What am I going to do now? I said to myself.

As far as I can remember I have my spare key inside the glove compartment of my car. I peeked through my car window to check if there's anyway I can unlock it, when I heard someone speak.

"You own this café and yet you're breaking into someone's car?" I turned around and saw Tori riding her R3 black motorcycle.

"Don't be stupid. It's my car, I just lost my keys" I answered annoyed.

"Then get your spare key" she answered.

"They're inside the car"

"Well look who's stupid. You have a spare key but you keep it inside the car. That's a good way to unlock it incase you lost your car key" she replied chuckling.

"Just go away. You're just ruining my night even more" I answered and turned my back at her.

"Suit yourself, just sleep in your café tonight" she said and put on her helmet.

I could actually do that, but the café will be closed tomorrow. That means Rey won't be able to help me until he wakes up which I would assume around late afternoon. I could also call road assistance but their number is on my planner, I knew I should have saved it on my phone.

I sighed and dialed the cab service on my phone instead when I heard Tori's voice again.

"You know there are several reports of women getting abducted by cab drivers. Are you sure you'll take a cab at this hour?"

She's right, I've heard reports about it but I don't have any other choice. Rey must be enjoying his night, I don't want to bother him. Or else...Le-- nope! Not going to ask help from that jerk! I shook my head and let out a deep sigh.

Then, Tori handed me a helmet.

"Wear this, I'll give you a ride" she said.


"Don't make me repeat it. Take it or leave it" she answered and pulled down the visor of her helmet to cover her green eyes.

Since I don't have much options left, I put on the helmet and got on her motorcycle.

"Grab on tight" she said.

"To where?!" I asked panicking.

"To the bar on top of you!" she yelled


"Are you stupid? Of course I'm referring to my waist! Do you see anything else you can hold on to?" she answered before I could even finish what I'm about to say.

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