Chapter 29: My Other Half

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Her once broad shoulders are now frail. Those green eyes whose default stare is taunting, now looks tired. Her blonde attractive locks are always covered with either a cap or a beanie. Yet, we are still far from knowing if the chemotherapy is working.

What remains is Tori's smile whenever she looks at me. That genuine beam on her face that always reminds me, how much she loves me.

The day Tori said Rey would come, he did and he was shocked on what's happening. As always, he's very understanding. He even assured me not to worry about the café and that he'll take care of everything. He knows how important the business is to me, but Tori is my main concern right now.

At first, Tori insists that I still go to work. She said she has Emily and Annabeth to accompany her all day, but I decided that I don't want to leave her side.

Jordan also got a hold of me and he'll be here anytime soon. He knows I am staying at the Sinclairs. My dad? I still haven't heard from him.

Lost to my thoughts, I suddenly heard a crashing sound from our bathroom.

"Love? Is everything alright?" I asked before I stood up from the bed. Tori is in the bathroom to take her medicine from the cabinet.

I knocked on the door before opening it and she's just leaning on the sink with the cabinet left open.

"Are you okay?" I asked again.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy" she replied.

I told you to stay in bed, you never listen to me. Come on, let's go back to bed" I told her with a weak smile on my face.

Every after her chemotherapy, she would feel nauseous. I would always tell her that I'll do everything for her but she doesn't want to feel helpless. I guess it's in her personality and I understand that. Still, it breaks my heart whenever I see her struggle in doing things she was able to do before.

I walked with Tori back to her bed and she sat down.

"I'm sorry to always trouble you" she said. She's not used to apologize before but since her therapy began she would do it more often. As if caring for her is something wrong.

"Why do you always apologize? I love taking care of you" I placed my hand on her cheeks and pulled her for a soft kiss. She smiled after that and laid down on the bed.

I miss my rude artist who would constantly snarl at me for every little thing I do. But I know I wouldn't find her right now. Whatever we are going through, just deepens the love I have for Tori. I love her when she's at her indestructible appearance and even more at her weakest state.

She closed her eyes and I cleaned up the broken glass in the bathroom. It might have slipped from her hands after taking her medicine.

After that, I laid beside her on our bed. She doesn't sound asleep but her eyes are still closed. Her physique might have changed but I still love kissing those soft lips of hers.

"Quit staring at me" she said while her eyes are closed.

"How can you tell, you can't see me" I mocked her.

"I can feel it. You are looking at my lips" she replied with a soft laugh.

"I can't help it, it's tempting" I answered cunningly.

"Do you still like kissing me?" she asked and slightly opened her eyes.

"Always" I replied and kissed her again.

Normally, after this conversation we would be making love. But our routine changed since the day she started treatment. I just hugged her and we cuddled, until we both fell asleep.

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