Chapter 12: The Sinclairs

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Shit! My head is throbbing and every little light blinds the hell out of me.

Last night, I asked Rey to have a drink after what happened between Levi and me. Apparently, I managed to chug one bottle of tequila by myself and passed out. Rey took me home and I woke up with the worst hang over today.

"Hey, dracula! Ready to go home?" Rey said, as he walked into the office where all lights are turned off.

"I still have to finish this. I am so useless today, I barely finished one inventory sheet" I answered disappointed, and he just laughed.

"You were so drunk last night, I'm impressed that you managed to get up today. Anyway, I'll leave now. You sure you can drive home?"

"Yeah, I just want to be a little productive today" I replied.

"Alright, see you tomorrow" Rey said and went out the office.

I did my best to concentrate on my work, hoping I could finish even just one spreadsheet. I took another sip from my coffee cup, probably the fifth this day and continued working.


"Finally!" I cheered after I saved the worksheet I finished. I looked at the clock and was shocked to find out that it's already 11:45 PM.

"Holy! I've been here almost two hours after Rey left?!" I said out loud to myself. I grabbed my bag and keys, then headed out.

I was locking the doors, when I heard someone groaning. I looked at the parking lot to check and saw an R3 black motorcycle still parked.

"Is that?..." I thought and walked towards the familiar bike.

"Ugh... shit" I heard the groan louder and I looked at the direction where the sound is coming from. On the ground, leaning on the R3 bike, I saw Tori and she's in pain.

"Jesus! What happened to you?!" I asked and got on my knees to look at her. She has bruises on her face and she's holding her abdomen which is obviously in pain.

"I'm fine" she answered.

"Right, like I would believe that" I said sarcastically.

"Go away! I just need a few minutes to rest" she swatted my hand when I tried to help her up.

"You're so stubborn! Maybe you got beat up because of that attitude!" I growled at her. She's obviously in pain but she's so conceited to ask for help. I looked at her, both my eyebrows scrunched down and her green eyes looked away.

"S-some asshole tried to get even with me, for punching him" she explained.

"That's it, I'll call an ambulance" I said, but before I can get my phone she held my wrist.

"No need, I'm fine" she said and tried to get up, but she fell down on her knees again.

"Stop being a jerk for once and get help!" I yelled at her. She just looked at me surprised, and did not say a word.

"If you don't want me to call an ambulance, let's just call someone who can take you home" I continued.

"I... I don't have anyone" she answered.

Confused on what she meant, I just decided to offer her a ride home. I told her that it's a payback for what she did last time. I figured she would decline it if I'll do it without any reason, her stubbornness makes her predictable.

I helped her up and to get in my car. She's beat up pretty bad, I want to leave her alone to suffer, but having a dead body in my café's parking lot is not a good idea.

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