Chapter 30: 'Til Death Do Us Part

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The night I asked Tori to marry me, she's really surprised. Not because she doesn't want to marry me, but she wants to know if I am sure of it. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I love her, I want to be her wife and I want take care of her for the rest of my life. 

When we told Tori's family, Emily is really excited. Annabeth gave me tight hug, as for George and Alex - both congratulated us and I can tell they're happy for Tori. We decided just to keep it a simple celebration. I invited my family and workers, for Tori it will be just their close family friends. We do not want the whole Sinclair company celebrating with us. 

It will be held in their mansion. The garden is big enough for all our guests and I don't mind letting everyone know that I was the one who proposed to Tori. 


"You look really pretty" Emily said as she zip up the white dress I'll be wearing for our wedding today. 

"Thank you" I answered with a pink blush on my cheeks. I am a bit nervous, I guess it's normal to feel this way on your wedding day, I thought. 

"She's really lucky to have you" Emily said while looking at me. 

"No, I'm the one who's lucky to have her" I replied and she gets teary eyed. Then she stepped closer and gave me tight hug. 

Emily may look fierce, jolly and confident but after spending months with their family, I figured she only acts that way in front of other people. If you get to know her, she's a loving daughter and a protective sister. Probably main reason why we get a long a lot. 

After that, we stepped outside where my dad is waiting to walk me down the aisle. He's wearing his white service dress, which makes him look more handsome. 

"Will you look at that. Your wife wouldn't be able to take her eyes off of you" he said with a wide smile. I grabbed his arm and said "I'm sure you're just saying that because I'm your daughter" and he just laughed. 

We walked near the aisle and my heart started to pound hard when I saw everyone looking at me. Rey keeps dabbing his handkerchief on the sides of his eyes - he's like a mom crying on her daughter's wedding day. Jordan has a wide beam planted on his stupid face, as if telling me I look ridiculous in this white dress. Ben always has that warm smile with him, like a proud grandpa. Annabeth and Emily has this weak smile with them but I could tell it's because they're happy. George looks as serious as ever and Alex would give me that happy look, but whenever I would smile back at him, his face would turn back to that cold uncaring expression.

In front of Alex is the only person that made me feel at ease in this entire room. She's wearing a white suit and a beanie that matches it. She has her wheel chair on the side, just in case she needs to sit down. Her physique might have changed a lot but she still has that loving glares from her green eyes and that soft genuine smile. 

I started walking towards her. Everyone around me is in blur, all I can see is Tori at the end of the aisle and I can't wait to be her wife. My dad reached out his hand when we stood right next to Tori and Alex. Tori smiled and shook my dad's hand, then looked at me like I am the only woman in this entire place. 

"We are gathered here today to witness Bridgette Campbell and Dorothy Sinclair's legal matrimony" the marriage officiant announced, starting the ceremony. 


After we exchanged our vows and the officiant announced us married, I didn't waste any time in grabbing Tori and pulling her in for a deep kiss. The crowd applauded after we shared our first kiss as a married couple. 

The ceremony was followed by a small reception. Tori and my family enjoyed the small feast prepared by the Sinclair's cooks. We sat in the middle of the crowd where we were congratulated by our family and friends. 

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