Chapter 21: Against All Odds

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"Are you okay? You look really pale, are you about to faint?!" Rey asked, while I'm looking myself in the mirror.

"I don't know, sis. I think I'm gonna be sick" I replied.

After Tori and I declared our love to each other, I thought everything's going to be fine. Until, she told me that we have to tell her parents and formally call her engagement with Grace off.

Couple of days ago, I was in cloud nine, making love with Tori. Now, I think I'm about to jump off a cliff.

"Calm yourself" Rey said and placed his hands over my shoulders.

"That's it, deep breaths" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying my best to relax.

"Just trust Tori, she wouldn't tell you to come with her, if she'll let anything bad happen" Rey explained.

"What will I do if they told me to stay away from Tori?" I asked Rey, still worried that they would treat me like trash or even try to kill me because I messed their daughter's life.

"The decision about that is not up to them, is it?" Rey answered and smiled at me.


A black car parked in front of our house and honked its horn.

"That must be Joe" I said to Rey. Tori said she'll send Joe to pick me up for tonight. She already told Emily and her mom about us, but we also have to let her dad and brother know.

I understand that what I'm about to do is like a double edged sword. Tori will tell them I'm her girlfriend which is great, but it also means that I'm the one who wrecked her engagement with Grace. Not to mention the fact that it would affect the business plans between the Sinclairs and Thomsons.

"Fuck! Can I just run away with Tori? Move to another country, maybe? I hate this!" I said to myself.

"Good luck!" Rey tried to cheer me up as I walk out of our house and into the car.


The car ride towards their mansion is like writing my own death sentence. I should have called my dad and brother first, just incase I won't make it out alive.

As soon as we reached the main door, Joe opened the car door for me and I saw Tori waiting outside.

She gave me a soft smile, enough to take some of the anxiety away.

"You look gorgeous" she said and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"T-thanks" I replied.

"Are you okay? Your hands are ice cold!" Tori said, right after touching my hand.

"I'm fine! I'm just worried on what we are about to do. I.. I'm scared?" I answered. Maybe the word scared is just a subtle way of describing what I really feel. Right now, I'm terrified!

"It'll be fine, I'm here" Tori assured me and placed her hand on my waist. Her words worked like magic, making me feel more at ease.

We entered their mansion, Emily saw us and sprinted towards our direction, then burried my face in her huge breasts.

"Oh my God! I'm so glad! When Dorothy told me about you guys, I am so happy!" she squealed like a little girl.

"Come on! Let her breathe!" I heard Tori say, then Emily let me go and I gasped for air. Geez! Those boobs could kill a person!

"Fine then, let's go sis! Our mom is really excited to meet you!" Emily said and dragged me into their dining room.


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