Chapter 10: The Farmhouse

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"twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty" I finished counting the bags of coffee beans I separated from our daily inventory.

"Why do you need this much coffee beans?" Rey asked, as he put the last bag on the table.

"I have no idea. Levi just ordered them" I answered.

"You sure she's not just making fun of you?"

"She should be serious about these orders, or else I'll shove it to her ass" I threatened and he just laughed.


I was encoding details on my worksheet when Rey came into the office.

"Levi's here looking for her orders" he said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute" I glanced over the clock and it's exactly noon. Wow, she sure is on time.

I walked outside the office and she's at the counter waiting.

"Let's go at the back, you can drive your car there so we can load it" I said.

"Cool" she said and walked outside the café to get her car. She's driving a dark blue pick up truck today, probably to make sure she can load all the bags on it.

I went to the back where our supplies are, then opened the door, so she can enter and help me load her orders to her truck.

"Is that all of it?" she asked while trying to count each bag.

"Yes, all thirty bags"

"Great!" she started to pick it up one by one and placed it at the back of her pick up.

"Why do you need this much anyway?" I asked while handing over the bags to help her out.

"You want to know?" she replied with a smile. Somehow I think I should just say forget it, but I am really curious why she needs a lot of our coffee beans.

"Uhm, yes?" I hesitantly answered.

"Come with me today"

I should have just followed my gut not to put my nose into other people's business.

"No, thank you" I immediately declined.

"You said you want to know, right? Come on, I won't do anything stupid I promise" she said and put her right hand up as a sign of the promise.

"Fine, I guess I can be gone for a few minutes" I replied.

"Well, you may need to take the day off"


"It's a few hours drive away from here" she explained.

"If that's the case, I refuse. I still have work to do. Just take your bags and pay at the front counter" I told her and walked away.

I went back inside and few minutes after, Levi walked in. Rey's the one at the counter so he asked how he can help her. I turned around assuming that she would pay as agreed, so I went back in my office.

I haven't even logged in to my computer when Rey knocked and opened the door.

"Levi's asking if you can go with her today. She said you're curious where she'll take the coffee beans she ordered" Rey said.

"I was, but when she told me that it's a few hours away from here I declined"

"Right, so she's asking how much will it be if she'll buy all of the remaining pastries and coffee so we can close early" Rey replied.

"What?!" she's just a show off, I told myself. What is she up to this time.

"I'll talk to her" I stood up and sprinted towards the door, before I can even get out, Rey whispered something.

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