Chapter 4: My Sister From Another Mother

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It has been more than a month since my assistant manager went on vacation. I am now at the airport to pick him up.

Reynaldo Gomez Jr. or Rey as we call him, is my assistant manager, business partner and my cousin. His dad and my mom are siblings. My mom was the one who sponsored him, so he can migrate here in Canada. Since then, we became inseperable.

His parents still lives in the Philippines, so he would visit them whenever he could. He used to stay with us but after we put up a business, he rented a unit near Downtown and lived on his own.

"Sis?" someone said while I was reminiscing my childhood days with Rey. I turned around and heard him scream in excitement.

"My gosh! Sissy!! I've missed you!" Rey screamed in a high pitch and gave me a tight hug.

Oh, yeah! He's gay and a really feminine one. Sometimes I even think he's more of a lady than me.

"How are you? You look tanned!" I replied and held his face in between my hands.

"Do I? We went to Boracay and stayed there for a couple of days. I guess I had too much fun under the sun" he answered laughing. "I missed you, dad said you should visit again sometime" he continued.

"We'll see" I answered. Our family would usually visit Philippines once every year, however after my mom's death we stopped going there.

"C'mon let's get your luggage and head home" I changed the subject and walked towards the baggage claim area.


We decided to buy some beers on the way and Rey will stay for the night so we can catch up with each other.

"So how's Tito and Tita?" (uncle and aunt) I asked Rey.

"They're fine. Dad got promoted, that's one reason why we went to Boracay, to celebrate"

"That's great. Did he ask you again to just stay with them?"

"Yes, he wouldn't let that go. Even I told him countless times that I love my life here" he answered and chugged a beer.

"You can't blame him. You're just in high school when you went here. During that time tito and tita are really struggling financially, so they grabbed my mom's offer to help you study here"

"I know, I even thank them for doing that because I won't be here and have this job if that didn't happen" Rey said. I looked at his eyes and gave him a sly smile.

"What?" he asked and looked at me confused.

"It's because of Mike, isn't it?"

"Sis! Stop teasing me you're making me blush!" Rey said in a girly voice.

"I just said his name! Geez, you're such a flirt!" I threw a pillow at him. His reaction was really funny, he's like a highschool student having a crush for the first time.

"Wait! Speaking of Mike. He told me you slapped a customer's face. What happened?" Rey suddenly changed the subject.

"You just got here and you already know that?" I replied trying to divert his attention.

"Don't change the subject. C'mon spill it out. Tell me what happened?"

"Fine, did Mike tell you who the customer was?"

"No, but he did mention that it's someone famous"

I took a drink from the beer can before telling Rey what happened. I have a hunch he knows who Levi is.

"It's Levi McKenzie. I didn't know who she is and she assumed that I was checking her out. She proudly came up to me and gave her number because she believes that I want it. I felt insulted, so I slapped her face"

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