Chapter 17: Abduction

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While pouring coffee beans into the machine, I'm still trying to wrap everything that my brother said the other day.

I still can't believe that he got dumped for Levi, and Levi works for Tori's family. This is one crazy chain of fate.

Speaking of crazy, I hear people going nuts outside my café. I tried to look through the window, but all I see are a bunch of people.

"What's going on?" I asked Rey.

"No idea, could it be Levi?" he said and I swallowed hard.

"Levi?! Where?!" Denisse shrieked while trying to tip-toe, attempting to look over the bunch of people outside. 

"She's coming here!" Mike yelled, panting, as soon as he entered the front door.

"Who is coming?" I asked, praying to God it's not Levi or Tori. I don't want to deal with any of them for now.

"A Sinc--" Mike tried to answer, when someone barged through our front doors. Then the crowd inside and out of the café roared.

Strutting from the front door to the counter is the glamorous Emily, wearing a red dress and sunglasses.

"A Sinclair" Rey whispered to me.

God answered my prayers that it's not either Levi or Tori, but I should have been more specific that it shouldn't be anyone related to them. Shit, why is she here now?

Emily stopped at the counter, took off her sunglasses and looked at me.

"Come with me" she commanded and held my wrist.

"Wai- Wha?!" were the only things I managed to say, when she dragged me out of the café and into her white Lincoln car.

I caught a glimpse of Rey and my staff while I was being dragged out of my café, their faces are either confused or worried.

"What's going on?" I asked Emily, as soon as we got in her car.

"We need to get you a dress for tomorrow night. I'll explain everything on the way" she replied.

"Let's go, Joe" she commanded the driver in front.


"So, you want me to attend Tori's birthday party tomorrow night?" I asked, after Emily explained everything.

"Yeah, it will be fun" she said and smiled.

"You could have just asked me, instead of dragging me out of my café like that"

"I just like dramatic scenes. I bet the people there are still trying to figure out what's going on" she answered and giggled. Jesus! She's crazy!

I bet Rey is worried sick. Maybe he thought that I did something really bad to the Sinclairs, and their heiress took me to pay with my life.

"Emily, sorry to be rude but I can find my own dress for the party tomorrow. Can I go back to my café? My staff will be worried" I asked Emily in the most polite way I can.

"Nonsense! You're my surprise to my baby sister. As my gift, I want you to look the best!"

O-kay, how rich can you get, that the first thing you can think of as a gift is an actual person?!

"Plus, I don't get to do this girly stuff with any of my siblings" she continued.

Well that's because she has a brother and a stud for siblings, I said to myself, then placed my hand on my forehead as a sign of defeat. I guess, I don't have any other choice.

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