Chapter 33: Loving Two Bad Girls

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"What can I get you for today, Ben?"

"My new favorite please"

"Of course! One Dorothy's cup it is" I told Ben as I wrote his order on my notepad.

Yes, I added Tori's favorite cup in my café's menu. A freshly brewed coffee with one cream and two teaspoons of sugar and Ben is always asking for it.

I guess that's also his way of remembering the days he spent sitting on his favorite spot, talking with Tori while sipping a cup of coffee.

Months passed by since Levi signed our contract to put up another branch in their small town.

I also asked Rey to manage that branch, together with Mike. He was hesitant at first. He doesn't want to leave me, but I told him he needs to enjoy his life with Mike. I don't want him worrying too much. Besides, he's been always there for me when I need him the most. It's time for him to be happy.

The construction was faster than we expected and Rey got a place near the new branch, so he's staying there with Mike. He would sometimes drive by the city and have a few drinks with me.

I still stay at the Sinclair's and spends most of my weekend with Emily, who is now pregnant. I could tell she'll be a cool mom and of course Annabeth cannot wait to be a grandma. I just wish Tori would have met her first niece.

I barely see George and Alex in their huge mansion, but I guess they are both busy with their business. Speaking of busy, my dad is again deployed somewhere in Asia. After Jordan called him for my sake, they began talking with each other again. I just hope they would return to what they used to, like a normal father and son.

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone rang, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Speaking of the devil" I murmured.

"Hello there, brother" I answered the phone.

"Really? Your voice doesn't sound excited" he said.

"You just called ten minutes ago. Are you bored?" I asked while trying to prepare orders.

"What? You're too busy to talk to your own brother?" he replied trying to stretch my patience.

"Oh, come on! Spill it out, you know it's morning rush in the café" I answered a bit irritated.

"Haha! Fine! We'll come home next month, stay with us"

"You and who? Don't tell me you got back with your ex-girlfriend? I'll slap her face when I see her!" I threatened.

"Easy, tiger. I'm referring to me and... uhm... dad" the last word he said was almost a whisper.

"Oh" was my only reply, but I have butterflies in my stomach. It's nice to know that he's trying to spend time with dad.

"Uhm, so make sure you'll stay with us while we're in the city" he commanded.

"Of course" I replied.

"Good, see you then!" he said and hang up.

"Which table?" Denisse asked as soon as I placed the cup on the tray.

"Ben's" I answered.

I can't help myself but smile knowing that everything around me is now going well. How I wish Tori is here with me to make it all complete, I thought and sighed.

I went inside my office for some peace. My hand clasping the necklace she gave me. Whenever I remember her, I can't help but feel the whole inside my heart.

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