Chapter 8: Caught in a Crossfire

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Today is the food festival and we managed to get a spot in it. Mike, Samantha and Rey are working with me to operate our café stall.

The crowd's awesome and I can see this as a perfect opportunity to expand our patrons.

"This idea is great for the café" Rey said as we continue to brew coffee, while Samantha and Mike serve them to our customers.

"I know, thank God we managed to get a spot. I heard a lot of business did not make it because the space was limited" I answered.

"You're the best business partner ever!" Rey cheered.

All of a sudden the crowd outside went wild. I heard screaming and people panicking. I looked at Rey and he's just as worried as me.

I stepped out of our stall to check what's going on, when I heard a familiar voice.

"You've got to try their coffee, I assure you they're the best!" Levi encouraged the people to go to our café. She caught a glimpse of me looking at her and winked.

I maybe annoyed at her, but whatever she's doing is giving us more customers. I went back to help my staff since she brought a horde of girls with her.

"What was that?" Rey asked.

"It's Levi promoting our café" I answered.

"Wow, she's definitely showing off" Rey said with a wide grin on his face, I just let out a sigh and continued to brew more coffee.

I know she said she likes me, but I still think she's annoying. Our business can survive without her promotion -- I said to myself.

"So, how's the café doing?" I heard Levi's voice outside. I checked the counter and saw her talking to Mike.

"Good! These girls really listened to what you said and now we're swamped" Mike said slightly laughing.

"That's great! I guess I won't be able to talk to your manager for a while?" she said and Mike looked at me. I looked at Rey and he tilted his head to where Levi is. Signaling me to go to her.

I widened my eyes at him and gritted my teeth. I don't want to talk to her, not after what she said and not during work hours. Rey approached me and said

"I'll take care of this" then took the coffee beans from my hands and pushed me towards Levi.

I hate it when he does that. He knows I don't want to talk to her but he still insists what he wants.

I dragged my feet as I walk towards Levi. As I slowly come near her, I see that signature smile she always flashes to her fans -- God she's annoying!

"There you are!" Levi greeted.

"What do you want?" I said in a rude tone. I heard Rey cleared his throat but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Damn! You're colder than ice!" Levi said and laughed. "You like the promotion I did for your café?" she continued.

"It helped. Thanks" I replied.

"The most voted stall today will get a cheque for 10 grand and a picture with me, so you better get that prize"

"Why a picture with you?" I asked.

I know about the contest but I didn't know a picture with her is even part of the prize.

"Because the management asked me to present it to the winner" Levi said proudly.

I do want the 10 grand, it will help my business a lot but I don't want to take a picture with her. Plus, I don't trust her. I have a bad feeling about that. If she's planning to touch any part of me, I swear! I'll rip her head off!

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