Chapter 2: The Arrogant Model

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"Is that really her? Oh my God! She's so attractive. I can't believe she's here" Denisse, one of my servers said to Samantha in a low voice hoping no one would hear her.

I'm just a foot away from them so I overheard them talking. Plus her voice was not really that low due to excitement. I looked at the direction she's pointing at - the seats near the window where two people are.

There's a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a white crop top and skinny jeans. She's sitting in front of a stud, who I would assume is the one Denisse is drolling at.

She has black wavy hair, tanned skin, pink lips and defined jaw line. She's wearing a black buttoned up polo and jeans. I would say that she is handsome, no wonder Denisse is making such a fuss about her.

I looked at her trying to figure out what's special about her. I had partners that are as beautiful and handsome as her, so I don't think that there's something I would drool about her unlike Denisse.

Lost on my thoughts, she suddenly looked at my side and our eyes met.

"Shit!" I cursed as the cups I'm trying to prepare overflowed with coffee. I was absorbed on my thoughts that I didn't notice I'm pouring too much coffee.

"You okay Brie?" Denisse asked.

"Yes, can you get me some paper towel please?" I answered and caught a glimpse of the stud smirking from her seat, looking at my direction. She probably thinks that I'm such a klutz.

I wiped the counter clean and started a new cup of coffee for my customer.


While putting some coffee beans into the machine, I heard Denisse's excited voice.

"She's walking towards here!" and tugged Samantha's blouse, almost ripping it.

"Hi" the stud greeted Denisse with a smile.

"He-Hello, what can I get you?" she answered with a tone I've never heard before. Geez! She's just head over heels for this person, I said to myself and shook my head.

"Yeah, can you get me your manager?" she asked which caught Denisse off guard.

"I'm sorry? Is there something wrong with your order?"

"No, everything's perfect. I just want to speak with her. That's her right?" the stud said and looked at me.

I walked towards them and placed my hands on Denisse's shoulders, letting her know that I'll take care of it.

"Yes? How can I help you?" I asked and gave her a smile.

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"I'm sorry what?" I asked again, confused of what she's talking about.

"Pen and paper, or anything I can use to write" she replied.

Still confused why she needs them, I took the sharpie pen we use to label the coffee cups and handed it to her.

"Will this do?"

"Great! Now, something were I can write it" she said.

Denisse took a coffee sleeve and handed it to me.

"How bout this one?" I asked her.

"I think that's fine" she answered and started scribbling on the sleeve.

I looked at Denisse if she has any idea what's going on, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Here you go" the stud said and handed over the sleeve to me with some numbers written on it.

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