Chapter 11: Melting the Ice

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Walking around the farm soothes me. The breeze is calming and the view is just breath taking. I closed my eyes to feel the wind touching my skin when we stopped to rest under a big tree in the middle of the farm.

"Relaxing isn't it?" Levi said.

"Yeah, I never felt as calm as this in a long time" I answered.

"So, how did a farm girl like you ended up being a model? I mean, it's much peaceful here than the crowded and stressful city" I suddenly asked.

"Nice, you want to know me more?" Levi replied and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Just curious, it doesn't matter if you answer or not" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

I'm trying to start a conversation and she would assume I'm taking advantage of her. She's just full of herself, I said to myself and shook my head.

I heard her chuckle, then cleared her throart.

"You are really something. Well, to start we only work on this farm before, we don't own it"

"What do you mean work here? Like farmers?" I asked.

"Yes, both of my parents were farmers here. I grew up learning all about crops, same goes with my sisters"

"So, what happened? Sorry, did you say sisters? Pauline is not your only sister?"

"Nope" she answered. "There's four of us, Pauline is the youngest. I have two older sisters -- Michelle and Natasha. Michelle is married with two kids, Natasha... she died" her face changed after saying that.

"I'm sorry to hear that" I replied.

"It's good, at least she won't suffer anymore" she said and gave a soft smile.

"Was she sick?" Levi let out a sigh after I asked her.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it" I immediately said, after I felt how sensitive the topic is for her.

"No, it's fine. It's been so long since I told someone about it, that's why I had to dig deep down inside" she answered slightly laughing. It's obvious she doesn't want to show her sensitive side, but I am curious. This is the first time we ever had a serious conversation since we met.

"She had leukemia. That's also the reason I had to find work outside this town. Michelle got pregnant in a young age and Natasha won't be able to work, so it's up to me to help my parents for her medication"

"That's why you went to the city?"

"Yes. Initially I got hired to clean the ice in the arena whenever there's a game and if none, I work as a crew at Tim Hortons. Then one day, a photographer taking cover on a game approached me and asked if I want to try modeling. He referred me to one of his friends. Few months after, I got the job and kept it so we can continue Natasha's medication. Unfortunately, no treatment saved her. She died a year ago" Levi's head was hanging down while telling the whole story.

"Wow, I never knew you're a hardworker. Your family is lucky to have you" I said to her, then she just smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"This is the second time today that you praised me. You should leave the busy city often" she replied with a smug smile.

"Don't be too proud of yourself. I'm just saying that because I've never got to do that much for my family" I answered. My vibes around her constantly jumps from admiration to annoyance real quick.

"You work hard in your café just to support yourself? How selfish" she said chuckling.

"Well, my dad and brother doesn't need me that much. Both of them have careers of their own"

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