Chapter One

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~August 16th, 2018~
•Arabelles POV•

"Bud come on." I said, giggling at how my little brother refused to let me put on his coat, twisting his arms in weird ways everytime I tried to put the jacket over his arms. "Brady." I laughed.

"No!" he cried, his lower lip coming out in a pout, matching his sad eyes that were starting to get glossy from tears.

"Brady you have to go to school!" giving up on trying to get his jacket on, I sat in front of him on my knees. I honestly have no clue why he's acting like this. He was so excited yesterday. "Come on kiddo your going to make us both late."

A small, kitten like, whine left his lips as a tear fell down his tiny face. "I don't want to go".

I frowned "Why not?"

"What if I cant find no friends." his lisp started to come out as he was making him self upset. He sat down on the floor with a sob, making me smile sadly at him.

I reached over and grabbed his tiny body, pulling him to sit on my lap. "Let me tell you something Brady bug. Everyone's first day of school is scary. I know mine was. But you know what?" the small boy shook his head, his thumb in his mouth as a form of comfort. "I found friends. So did Sabrina. Your always gonna find friends bud, and if not I'll be right here when you get home and we can watch some movies and eat ice cream."

His eyes lit up as he sat up excitedly, rushing to put his coat over his tiny body. Laughing, I helped the over excitied boy put his jacket and shoes on. As I was tying his shoe, I heard foot steps coming from the staircase to my left. I soon heard the loud smacking of gum soon after, making me resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Finally" my sister, Sabrina, scoffed rudely, one hand on her hip to further show her annoyance. This time I did roll my eyes, getting up helping Brady up as well.

"Lets just go." Slightly annoyed, I brushed past my sister and swiftly grabbed my car keys. I opened the door and after everyone had their stuff and was out the door, I closed and locked it. I jogged to my car and got in the driver's seat. Adjusting my rear view mirror, I checked to make sure Brady was buckled up and all good to go. After seeing he was, I turned on the car and started the small voyage to Brady's school.

*Small time skip*

I was walking the halls in my overcrowded highschool, as I heard a voice call my name. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, only to realize it was my bestfriend Jasmine, who was skipping excitedly towards me.

"Guess what!" She chirped, linking arms with me once she reached me. I examined her and realized that she was wearing a bright pink dress, which wasn't unusal for her.

"What?" Reaching my locker, I turned to look at her. She was leaning against the locker next to mine, with a bright excitied twinkle in her dark green eyes.

"Luke asked me out on a date!" Her smile reached her ears and I could tell she was very excited by the way her eyes lit up.

"Which Luke?" I asked suspicously, concerned about who my best friend would be with after school. There are only two Luke's in our school, one of them happens to be very disrespectful. Always skipping classes to smoke weed with his friends in the Home Ec room.

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