Chapter Thirty Two

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*September 12th*
*Arabelles POV*
*3 days left*

I slipped into my bed, throwing the comforter over my tired body. I sighed as I felt the warmth engulf my body, putting me in a state of relaxation. It was nighttime, the stars shining brightly being the only source of light in my room.

The only person I talked to today was Louis, and that was only to go over our plan for escape. I didn't tell him that I over heard him the other night. Because everything he said was right and I didn't want to face him with that. I just think I don't want to face it myself. We decided that we would leave at three in the morning, when everyone would be asleep. Liam is coming with us, they figured that it would be better to have two men instead of one. It doesn't bother me that much, it does seem safer to have one more person.

I decided that no matter how I feel about Harry, or vice versa, I still have to leave. Regardless of my infatuation he is the guy that took me from my family. No amount of convincing myself otherwise will change that. I know that it most likely wasn't his choice to kidnap me, it was probably the leader of the gangs choice. That doesn't matter though. I'd be throwing away any self respect I had if I were to stay because of him. Maybe in another lifetime I could see where Harry and I could go, but not in this one.

I closed my eyes as I felt exhaustion take over my body. I fell into a deep sleep filled with dreams of the curly haired boy.

I felt the sun on my face as I opened my eyes, shielding them from the light. I looked over to my alarm clock to see that it was past noon. I laughed as I realized how long I slept, shaking my head as I stepped out of bed. It was two days until we leave, two days until I'm practically free. I felt a pang in my heart as I thought about the fact that i might never see Harry again. I pushed that thought away as I realized that's probably for the best.

Liam, Louis and I are supposed to have a little 'meeting' in Louis room. Harry and the others are going out to take care of some 'business' so it's the perfect opportunity to perfect our escape. I thought that was a brilliant idea seeing as were adding a person to our plan last minute.

My stomach growled and I huffed, walking out my door. I heard voices downstairs as I made my way down the stairs. I entered the kitchen to see Zayn and Niall playing cards at the table. Luke and Liam were leaning against the counter, seeming to be in a heated discussion. I noticed Louis and Harry were nowhere to be seen as I stepped more into the room. Every one stopped momentarily as they glanced up, going back to what they were doing soon after. I rolled my eyes as I went into the freezer, grabbing a hot pocket and putting it in the microwave.

The microwave beeped and I turned toward it, hearing someone enter the kitchen as I did so. I  held my breath as I heard him speak.

"Guys let's go. Liam, Arabelle better be here when we get back." That was all he said before he left the room, the others following him. I heard the front door shut as I took the hot pocket out of the microwave.

Louis noticed me and shook his head. "Is the only one thing you come out of your room for is food?

I nodded as I bit into my hot pocket. "Let the girl eat Louis. Alright we better hurry before they get back." Liam laughed.

I raised my eyebrows as I took off running towards Louis room, wanting to get the best spot on the bed. I could hear the confused voices as they entered the room, stopping once they saw me perched on the pillows. I continued chewing my hot pocket as they shook their heads, Louis sitting on the wheely chair. Liam sat at the foot of the bed and he laughed at me, making me shoot him a dirty glance.

"Ok." Louis spoke, rubbing his hands together. "So here's the plan: tomorrow, or tonight, I need you guys to pack all of your stuff. Make sure that you hide your suitcases just in case someone goes into your room. I already have the other stuff we need in the car, so don't worry about anything else besides your personal belongings."

"What stuff do you have that we need?" I asked curiously.

Liam and Louis shared a knowing look before he sighed. "Weapons, just in case we find ourselves in a dangerous situation."

"Oh." I nodded, seeing how that makes perfect sense. I mean we're most likely going to have gang members after us.

"Alright. Now we will leave at three in the morning, seeing as how everyone should be asleep by that time. And if their not well then we'll wait until they are. Once everyone is asleep we will quietly gather into the living room. Once everyone is there with everything we need, we will secretly make our way to the car. I'll make sure it's parked at the end of the street so we don't make a lot of noise. Our first stop is going to be New York, it's a bigger place so that way if they follow us they won't be able to find us easily. We're going to have to stop in quite a few states, we can't immediately let Arabelle go home. That's the first place they'll look."

"Wait." I interrupted as a worrisome thought made its way into my head. "What happens if we get caught? I mean what will happen to you two? You guys are apart of the gang after all"

Louis face turned to stone as Liam looked down, they looked like they didn't want to tell me the truth.

"We die."


I hope you guys like this chapter! Please vote, comment and share. It means a lot to me.

Have a good day.

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