Chapter Five

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*August 17th*
*Arabelles POV*

I never realized how much fear and anxiety can actually paralyze you. I always though it was just a phrase people carelessly threw around, not even understanding it, really. People say things like "I was so paralyzed with fear", but they don't mean they were literally unable to move. Their mind just frozen from uneaseness. As I stand here though, with Louis looking at me with concerned eyes, I now know what it truly means to be paralyzed with fear.

The thing is, I didn't feel this way when Harry physically took me from my house. Or when I went to my room just to discover a random, dangerous stranger was awaiting my arrival, no. I only feel the type of fear that makes your stomach turn into a whirlwind and your legs freeze into unmoving, stiff limbs right now.

As I stand here trying to will my legs to move as they continue to disobey me, all I could think of his whats going to happen when I get back. Harry will automatically know that I tried, and failed, to escape when I come back into the house all scraped and bruised with Louis escorting me. And I'd be foolish to think that a punishment is not in my near future, it's inevitable, bound to happen the instant I step into the threshold.

The punishment was not what I feared, not at all. It was the fact that escape is merely, impossible. I don't know how many men Harry has with him, hell I don't even know what he, they, want me for, I just know that with Harry and now Louis watching me, there's no way I'll be able to escape now.

And that is what put me in the utterly terrifying crippling fear that is leaving me temporarily disabled. Louis has been trying to talk to me, waving his hands in front of my face and he's even resorted to shaking me in hopes to get me out of this state, but I can't even hear him. When he touches me I can't feel the warmth that I should feel radiating from his hands. The wind that is breezing all around us should make me cold, along with the mud covering my body and the blood oozing from my cuts, but I just feel numb. Completely empty. My brain seems to be the only thing working judging from the thoughts circling around my head, making it pound.

My breathing has picked up increasingly but I can't seem to control it. My lungs feel like there constricting from the lack of oxygen, but I can't stop it. And as my body starts swaying, my eyelids becoming heavy, and Louis starting screaming in my face, the only thing that flashes through my mind before everything goes black is, I'm never leaving here.

*Louis POV*

My eyes scanned Arabelles face frantically, her whole body was swaying and she was hyperventilating so badly her under eyes were purple. Her purple under eyes is not what made me uneasy, it was the fact that her eyes looked so distant, like her mind was in another place. It was like she wasn't even here anymore, her body was but her mind is in a completely different place. She looks a complete mess, a pasty ghostly color has made it's way on to her face, tears stain her once rosy cheeks, mud is embedded into her skin and hair and she's bleeding all over her arms and legs. If I bring her back to Harry like this he'll have my head.

Deciding to take this situation into my own hands I sternly placed my hand on the petite girls shoulders and shook her, hoping to awake her to reality. "Arabelle come on, snap out of it."

But even with the way I was shaking her violently and barking her name, nothing worked. Her breathing just picked up more to the point where her whole body was violently shaking. Her eyes began to darken, and the purple bruises that were once light marks under her eyes grew a deep purple. I widened my eyes and braced myself for what was about to happen. And when her eyes rolled back and her body fell limp, I acted fast and leaped forward, catching her before she could hit the floor. I let out a breath of relief when I felt her body hit my arms, sitting on the ground and gently letting her fall on my lap.

I situated her, moving her limbs and her head until i figured she was comfortable enough, and ran through my options in my head. One, I can leave her here and pretend like I didn't catch her trying to escape and just say I went to buy cigerattes. Harry would eventually find out what really happened and then we'll both be screwed. Two, I can wait until she wakes up and say I found her like this, passed out in a ditch. If she agrees to fabricate the story it will end better for both her and me. And three, I can just carry her unconscious body back to the house, that will probably cause a huge scene that I don't have the patience nor the time for.

I decided to go with option two, knowing that Harry won't go so hard on her if he knew she didn't get very far, plus the headache she's going to have and the scratches and wounds are punishment enough.

I carefully leaned forward and inched my hand towards my back pocket, being careful not to hurt Arabelle, and took my cigerattes and my lighter from my pocket. If I'm going to sit here on the cold ground for god knows how long, I'm going to have a damn smoke. I placed the stick between my teeth, bringing to lighter to it and once it caught I put the lighter down and inhaled the smoke. This is gonna take a while.


Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't update until today, I haven't had much time to write between cheerleading and studying for multiple tests.

Just a warning the past few weeks the chapter might either be a little shorter or a little late. I got some games and finals coming up.

But I hope y'all like it, please vote like and comment.

Have a good day.

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