Chapter Ten

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*August 20th*
*Arabelle's POV*

My eyes widened instantly, my hands flying up as a sign of surrender, my body flying back and hitting the kitchen wall. As soon as my back made contact I closed my eyes, not wanting to see a gun pointed at me for any longer. Time seemed like it was going by slow, but I know it was only my imagination. I sat there, with my heart beating out of my chest, my eyes squeezed shut, and all the hairs on my body standing up, waiting. I wasn't so sure what I was waiting for, but when a bullet never came I hesitantly opened my eyes.

The gun was no longer pointed at me, the breath I was holding releasing when I saw it on the table. I looked up at Louis face, only to see him staring wide eyes right back at me.

"You can't scare me like that Ara I almost fucking shot you!" he screamed, pointing at the gun on the table to prove his point.

"Yea I fucking know Louis!" I screamed back, pulling at the roots of my hair. My heart has yet to slow down, still fearing that I was going to get shot. "Why the hell did you even pull your gun out in the first place?"

His face went from shocked to sheepish in five seconds. "I thought you were an intruder." His voice was low and kind of embarrassed.

I stared at him, absolutely dumbfounded, until eventually I bursted out into laughter. My hand flew up to cover my mouth, and feeble attempt to hide the giggles that were escaping. Louis looked up from the ground to give me and confused look which only made me laugh even more. He watched me for a few seconds before a smile broke onto his face and pretty soon, we both were in hysterics. Louis was hunched over with his hand over his stomach, while I hung my head down, my hand still covering my mouth even though there was no need.

It took us a few minutes until eventually we calmed down and there was no more laughter in the vast kitchen space. It was then that Louis shook his head at me, a smile covering his usual hard stare.

"What?" I asked, confused on what he was getting at.

"Nothing." He replied, shrugging his shoulders as a chuckle escaped his lips. "I've just never seen a person laugh after they almost got shot."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well now you have." I walked past him, going deeper into the kitchen until I reached the fridge. I looked for a few minutes until I just decided on an apple.

"Your something else" Louis muttered, giving me a final shake of his head before he went back to "cooking".

I giggled at him and grabbed the apple, closing the fridge door behind me. I went and washed the apple off before sitting down on the counter. Taking a bit into the apple, I rested my head on my hand.

A few minutes later Louis leaned on to the table by his arms. I looked up as a big sigh escaped his lips.

"Listen Arabelle, I just found out where Harry went. He went to recruit some more people so I just want you to be prepared. They won't be as nice as I am to you." He gave me a warning, his voice low as he wanted me to fully understand him.

I nodded my head, pretending that it didn't phase me. But in all reality, I was scared.

*The next day*

I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard someone enter my room, fearing the worst and that Harry has come to harass me. I nearly jumped off my bed when I felt a hand on my shoulder, yanking it away like I was burned.

"Relax Ara it's me." My whole body instantly relaxed as Louis voice filled my room. I was relieved to find that the voice came from him and not Harry. "We have to be quiet, Harry just got back."

My eyes widened in alarm as I smacked his shoulder. "Why the hell are you in here then. Your going to get us both killed!" I hissed, my voice a mixture of quiet and appalled.

"Harry brought four new guys with them." He said, his voice stern but sounding kind of nervous.

I've learned a few things about Louis during my time here. He doesn't really give a fuck about anyone or anything, but for some reason he wants to keep me safe. I also learned the he works with Harry, not for Harry like I originally thought. Even though I don't know why I'm here, or what Louis and Harry are apart of, I do know one thing. Louis would never hurt me, for whatever the reason he has, it's good enough that he's decided to protect me as much as he can.

"There here." I sat up, alarmed. I didn't even hear anyone come into the the house.

I relaxed a bit as Louis shook his head. "No but there arriving soon and Harry called me to make sure that your ready. He also wants you to look presentable."

"Presentable?" I questioned, confused on why that would be necessary. But Louis didn't go any further on it, he just shook his head and began walking out of the room, probably to let me get ready.

"Oh and by the way." He started, stopping at the door. I turned my head to face him, letting him silently know he had my attention. "While everyone's around I can't be nice to you, they'll think something is up. I'm sorry, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it's in the job description." He added, his face dropping a little bit.

"I understand." I nodded. I did, I just wish it wasn't that way. Louis was the closet thing I had to a friend now. And I know when you get kidnapped your usually not supposed to have friends, but Louis was different. He didn't agree with Harry when he decided to kidnap me.

Louis gave me one last look and shut the door. I let out a sigh as he left, knowing that once Harry returns the hell that comes with him will return also. When he's not around I actually feel like I can breath. His presence in general is suffocating, his every move demands attention and respect. I wonder if the people he's bringing would be the same way.


Yayyyyy I actually double updated today. I was afraid I wasn't going to get it done because I've been awfully busy this week, but I actually did.

I wanted to double update since Christmas is in the next few days.

I hope y'all enjoyed it and please vote, comment, and share, it really helps alot.

Have a good rest of the day guys!

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