Chapter Six

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*August 17th*
*Arabelle's POV*

I woke up with a soft surface beneath me, yet something was digging into my back. My eyelids refused to open, they've become so heavy that my eyes are practically sealed shut. My head felt all fuzzy and my body was tingling. The only thing I could hear was birds and someone softly breathing. At that sound my heart beat picked up because I have no idea where I am or what happened the only thing I remember was running through the forest and I vaguely remember talking to some one. It was a boy I remember that much, he had brown hair and tattoos, and he spoke with a British accent.... Louis! That must be who's breathing.

I sighed as my heartbeat slowed down which must of let Louis know that I'm awake because the surface beneath me began to move. I let out a whine as he kept on shifting beneath me, my head beginning to hurt like hell. He immediately stopped once the soft sound escaped my lips, my eyes fluttering open to meet his wide ones. The first thing I noticed was that his eyes looked more tired then before, his under eyes sagging slightly and his eyes themselves were slightly red. Breaking our gaze I took a look at the sky to see that it was increasingly darker, meaning that it was way closer to nighttime then I thought.

"Arabelle" Louis soft spoken words made my eyes drift over to his curious ones. "Are you ok"

I nodded as a reply and asked a question of my own "How long have we been out here for"

"Um" a crease in the area between his brows appeared as he was seemingly adding up the time. "About 5 hours". My eyes widened in disbelief, I was out for that long. "Yea you were out for a while". He added as if he could read my mind.

I shook my head and used my hands to pull myself off of his lap, sitting myself beside him instead. "Why didn't you just carry me back to the house or something?" I asked him quietly, not wanting to overstep, but also wanting to know why he took time out of his day to wait for me to wake up.

"I figured you'd get in less trouble with Harry if I say I found you passed out in a ditch.  I'll just tell him you woke up while I was carry you back". He immediately spit out.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Why would you care if I get in trouble with Harry or not."

He frowned and looked up at the birds circling the sky. "Because Arabelle" he took a break to look down at me. "Unlike many people in this world your slate is clean."

I nodded not really feeling in the mood to carry on a conversation anymore. What did he mean by that? My slate is clean? I went to ask him about but I realized he probably wouldn't tell me anyway. I mean we're not friends, he's just the guy that caught me trying to escape from his boss or something.

"We should get going it's getting dark outside" Louis sighed, getting up then helping me up as well.

We started walking in silence, giving me time to think. Louis has been nice to me, but I think it might just be from pity. Plus I don't think his plan will even work anyway. Harry will be pissed that I tried to escape within five minutes of being at the house. I know that no matter what he's going to do something, I don't know what but it'll probably be bad.

I looked to my left subtly to take a look at the man walking beside me. His head was hanging down as he was watching his feet as we walked back to the house. He looked like he was deep in thought about something. His jaw was set and his eyebrows furrowed close to his eyes. I wonder what he was thinking so hard about, but it's not really my business. Sighing, I looked back down to my feet and thought about my family. I wonder if they've realized im gone by now. Are they just waiting for me to come back? Is there a search party already looking for me? Dad's probably going crazy, the thought makes my heart hurt. Little Brady's probably crying because I will no longer be there to read him his bed time stories at night. He won't let anyone else do it because 'they don't do the voices that Arabelle does'. I smiled at that, I'll miss playing wtih Brady and reading stories with him.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek, i wiped at it quickly so Louis doesn't notice. Looking up I realized that we were close to the house and my heart dropped. I was dreading Harry reaction.

"Are you ready" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Louis voice. I turned to look at him to see that he was already looking at me with concern in his eyes.

I took a deep sigh and nodded my head, preparing myself for what was about to happen.

We stepped up to the couch and walked through the front door. I jumped as I saw Harry sitting on the couch waiting for us, his hands gripping the armrest so hard that is knuckles were white.

"And just where the hell have you two been."


Hey guys. Sorry that it's a little short, I've been kind of busy this week. But how was yalls Thanksgiving? I hope you guys have a good one.

Im actually really excitied because the first basketball game is on Monday and I've missed cheering so much.

But I hope y'all like it and please like comment and share.

Have a good afternoon❤️

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