Chapter Nine

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*August 20th*
*Arabelle's POV*

I watched with wide, curious eyes as Louis lifted himself off my bed, walking out the door without a word. I watched him go until the door was completely shut, and even then my eyes lingered there for a few seconds. I waited to see if he would come back, but he never did, the door remained closed.

I look back to the window, trying to decipher what Louis words really meant. I have a strong feeling that what he said was not all that he was thinking. There was more then he was letting on, more then he was willing to let on. Besides that point, not letting myself get broken, is that the path where I'm heading? Is that the path that I'm directing myself to? I don't want to become a shell of myself, who would? But I honestly have no idea what to do with myself. I don't want to just give into Harry, but he's a very demanding person, and not one you can ignore easily. He wants control, over everything and everyone. He wants everything done his way, without flaw, or people will pay the consequences. I've met some evil people in my life, but Harry seems to be a different breed. Seeing people crowd away in fear seems to make him, happy. Knowing that he makes people's life miserable seems to give him a sense of satisfaction.

I can't let him have that satisfaction, even if it means that it's the last thing I ever attempt. Like Louis said, that's exactly what he wants. He wants to push me to my limits, until I reach the point where I crack. Where theres no more me, just a shell of a sad broken girl that used to be someone. My escape seems very impossible right now, so maybe I should focus on something else. I've got to get out of this state of mind I've been in, cause all it's doing is giving Harry a sign that I've gaven up. I have to continue on strongly, for my family, if I ever want to get back to them. I'm just going to focus on the fact that for now, I'm alive, and that's enough.

First though, before I can do anymore thinking, I need to take a shower. I haven't been feeling like myself lately, as to be expected, and the lack of sleep and moving definitely isn't helping. I guess I just needed time to think, and the best way I could think of to do was to just shut down, with only my thoughts to accompany me.

I got off the the bed and stretched my arms and legs, my body aching from sitting for so long. After rolling my neck and shoulders a few times to get the kinks out, I headed into the bathroom that was connected to room. I haven't realized it was there until yesterday, but felt too mentally exhausted to put it to use. I smiled slightly once I looked at the shower. The showerhead was one of the ones that are on the ceiling. There were clear glass doors that sealed off the area, not to mention that it was pretty large.

Deciding to stop staring at the bathrooms details, I walked over to the shower. Opening the glass doors, I reached inside and turned on the hot water. I was going to start undressing while waiting for the water, but right as I reached for the hem of my shirt, I caught sight of my reflection. I look tired, my face looks worn out, but my eyes look exhausted. Not to mention the fact that my under eyes are sunken in ever so slightly, with light bruises covering them from the lack of sleep I've been getting. My once clean complexion and rosy cheeks have become pale, due to the lack of sleep and food. Some spots on my face were also cut up and slightly bruised, due to the fall I had a few days prior. The once neatly brushed hair on my head has now become an unkept mess, all ratty and knotted.

Seeing myself like this just makes me even more upset, so I pull my shirt off, the resy of my clothes coming off with it. Stepping into the shower, my muscles immediately relaxed, it felt more like rain then a shower. I felt the kinks that I thought I got rid of earlier finally get eased, the relaxtion that came with it felt like utter bliss.

After spending a couple minutes under the water, I decided to wash my hair and body. As I was finishing up washing my body, I saw I had more cuts littering my body, making me frown slightly. After I was all washed off I turned the water off hesitantly, stepping out of the shower. I grabbed a towel from the rack and headed back into the bedroom, just then remembering that I haven't brought any clothes with me. 

Shaking my head at myself, I wrapped the towel around my small frame, exiting the bathroom. A cool chill engulfed me as soon as I stepped foot on the carpeted floor. I hurried to my suitcase, quickly unzipping it and pulling out the first things I saw. I slipped on my undergarments, grey sweatpants and a grey shirt following soon after. Satisfied with my outfit choice, I walked out into the kitchen. I assume Harry isn't home, I highly doubt Louis would risk coming to talk to me if he was.

I haven't eaten properly since I was taken from my house. Harry would rudely walk into my room and slam a plate of food down on the desk and left, not before harassing me of course. I would never eat the food he left though, too scared to incase he did something to it. Not wanting to cause harm to my body, I would drink the bottles of water he brought with the food though, but not before thoroughly inspecting it.

As I got closer to the kitchen, I heard the clutter of pans and silverware, making me wonder who it was making the commotion. I hope it's Louis, I don't know who all is in this huge house and I'm not sure I want to find out, besides Louis has been nothing but nice towards me.

I released a breath I was holding when I saw Louis at the stove, his back to me as he seemed to be cooking something. I had to bite my lip from laughing, the white gooey concoction in the blow not even looking edible. I cleared my throat, letting him know I was in the room, which caused him to jump, obviously startled.

The next thing I knew there was a gun pointed right at my head, with Louis finger on the trigger.


Ouuuuu shiitt.

Haha. Anywayyy I do plan to be double updating today, like I said I would. It might be a little later today though, but not too late.

I actually really like Louis in this lmao.

Thank you guys so much for reading, I really hope you like this chapter. Please make sure to vote, comment, and share, it helps alot.

(The next one should be up in three hours top)

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