Chapter Eleven

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*August 21st*
*Arabelle's POV*

I hesitantly lifted my self off of the bed, walking to my suitcase's that were placed carelessly on the floor. Deciding that it would be best to get ready now, I opened my suitcase and pulled out this gorgeous pink shirt with ruffles on the top. I grabbed some skinny jeans with holes in the knees and paired it with some plain white shoes. (A/N I'm so bad at describing literally anything so picture of her outfit is on top.)

After changing in the bathroom I got out my hairbrush and brushed through my tangled black hair. After two minutes of brushing the tangles out of my hair I let out a breath of relief when I was done. Setting the brush down I looked into the mirror and smiled once I saw that my grey eyes had a little more life in them than yesterday.  The light freckles that cover my nose and cheeks were also more apparent, due to the color that has found it's way back on my cheeks.

After examing my face for a little while I decided to do a little bit of makeup. I don't really care about looking good for anyone, especially my kidnappers, but it will help me feel more like myself. Not to mention the fact that I literally have nothing else to do and Harry won't be back for at least 20 more minutes.

I went back to my suitcase and got out my makeup bag, walking back to the bathroom after I retrieved it. I wasn't planning on doing much, just a little bit. I always stayed away from face makeup, feeling that my freckles were too cute to cover up.

I decided on just winged eyeliner, no eyeshadow, and mascara. I put on some clear watermelon lipgloss, and put away my makeup deciding that that was enough.

As I was finishing putting up my stuff, I heard someone enter my room. I figured it was Louis so I just continued doing what I was prior to the interruption. It wasn't until I felt a hand gather my hair and yank me into their chest that I realized it was not Louis, it was Harry.

My suspicions were even further proven correct as I felt a breath hit my neck, causing me to cringe lightly. The movement caused the man behind me to let out a deep chuckle, his hands creeping around my stomach, resting just above my belly button. The air around us smelled like tobacco and cologne, a scent that stung my nostrils every time I breathed in the stale air. I flinched as I felt a hand suddenly move my hair, tucking behind my ear.

I closed my eyes tightly as he moved his head right against my ear, his breath hitting my neck even more then before. "Missed me?" His voice was a low pur, but he still managed to hold a certain growl, one that leaked authority.

My lips trembled lightly as I refused to let my fear shine through, willing my breath to stay steady and calm, even though my heart was anything but that. I wrapped my hands around his wrists, pulling them from my stomach abrubtly.

"Not in the slightest." My words held a confidence in them that was normally lost when I spoke to him. I walked back to my suitcase and resumed my previous actions of putting things away. I subtly looked at him to see a shocked look on his face. A smug smile made its way on to my lips, but quickly vanished as I saw rage flood his emerald eyes, turning them into a dark, empty forest green.

I gulped as his jaw locked, so much to the point that it looked like it was about to snap. My heart sped up as I looked down, seeing his fist balled up, his once tan knuckles turning a light purple color.

In three long strides he reached where I was, taking ahold of my arms and yanking me to my feet. I widened my eyes, this time he was really pissed, the veins in his arms protuding viscously, his teeth grinding together badly, the sound of his deep, angry breath taking up the once silent room.

I gasped as his hand went to my throat, extending his arm out so my back hit the bathroom door, the doorknob hitting my back extremely hard. I yelped out in pain, my confident demeanor dissolving immediately. A crooked grin made it's way to his face, as tears stung my eyes. I held my breath as he inched closer, his grip on my throat tightening as he did so.

"Are you scared Arabelle?" He whispered in my ear, our body's two inches apart. My body shook in fear as his hand was wrapped around my throat. I choked back a sob as the tears continuously flowed down my cheeks. My heart beating so fast, I feared that he could hear it. The evil smirk on his face chilling my entire body.

His eyes seemed to paralyze me, making me frozen, unable to respond even if I wanted to. A mocking chuckle rumbled from the bottom of his throat, making me shiver, realizing just how close he really was. I waited in fear and anxiousness as he gave my throat a squeeze, making it harder for me to breathe.

"Good." He said, sounding a little breathless, but still threatening all together. He pulled back, exposing his bone-chilling sadistic smirk. "Now, your gonna collect yourself, make your self look real pretty, then come down stairs to meet some friends of mine." His voice sounded dangerously close to when a when a parent speaks to their child, the only difference being the angry growl in his throat.

"Are we clear?" Obviously not pleased with my answer, or lack there of, he tightened his grip on my throat once more, speaking through greeted teeth.

I felt more tears fall from my eyes, hitting my cheek softly, before giving him a soft nod, not trusting my voice. He smirked, pleased with my answer, letting go of my throat. I hunched over immediately, relief flooding my veins as I felt myself being able to breathe again, my hand on my chest. Harry kicked my suitcase, making my clothes fly all over the floor, giving me one last look before walking to the door, slamming it shut.

I slid down to the floor, trying to catch my breath, only to feel sadness and anxiety crawl back up my throat. I leaned my head back against the wall, trying to control my breathing by telling myself to take deep breaths. After a couple of moments i felt like I collected myself enough and slowly rose to my feet. Walking over to the mirror, I let out a sigh as I caught sight of the mascara running down my face. Thankfully my winged eyeliner hadn't smudged, but I couldn't say the same for my mascara. I let out another frustrated sigh as I grabbed a makeup remover wipe, gently rubbing at my cheeks and under my eyes. Once the mascara was gone I grabbed the tube and reapplied it. I took a look in the mirror examing my face, my cheeks were no longer a deep red, just slightly pink. My eyes were only slightly puffy, though they were still glazed over with unshed tears. Once deeming myself presentable I ran through my hair a few times with my hair brush and put on a brave face. I slowly opened my door, closing it behind me as I left my room, not wanting to make too much noice to alert them of my soon to come presence. I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked down the long hallway, walking down the stairs and into the living room. As I got there I saw Harry and Louis, among with four other men. I was about to walk further into the living room as my gaze fell apon a certain figure in the living room, causing a gasp to emit from my mouth.

Standing there with three  intimidating men was the man that I've seen many times before, Luke Hemmings.


Oof, damn.

Am I the only one that thinks that punk edits of One Direction and Five Seconds Of Summer is hot asf? No? Didn't think so.

Anyway on a less fangirl note, I hope you guys really like this chapter. Unsurprisingly enough it actually took me a little longer then expected. But that's ok because I actually like the way this chapter turned out.

Anyway please like, comment, and vote, it really helps alot.

I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas (or whichever holiday your family celebrates) and I hope you guys have a great day.

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