Chapter Twenty Five

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*September 3rd*
*Arabelle's POV*
*12 days left*

Harry was drunk all night last night. As soon as we got home he went into his room and I haven't seen him since. Although I did see a women come into the front door from out the window, I don't even want to think about why she was here. I'm guessing he's still sleeping because the house is dead quiet. I don't really care enough to go and check though.

I heard a door slam and I ran to the window, wondering what was going on. I saw a taller, skinny blonde women in a short black dress leave the front door. She was yelling out things that I couldn't hear, but i knew she was pissed. I opened my window slightly, wanting to know what she was saying.

"You are so damn disrespectful! Calling me over here at midnight just to kick me out right when we wake up!" She was screaming furiously, making hand gestures and shaking her head slightly. Her face was red with what seemed like anger and embarrassment. I was startled when i heard Harry's voice, and it was then I realized that he was at the front door.

"It's called a booty call love." His voice was gruff and groggy like he had just woken up, but his words still leaked with sarcasm. I slapped my hand across my mouth and but my lip, trying hard not to laugh.

The women was about to speak up again but Harry beat her to it. "And would you mind shutting the hell up, people are trying to sleep."

I heard the door close once more and I leaned slightly to my right to see that Harry had gone inside, leaving the lady alone. I looked outside to see her mouth hanging open slightly in shock, before she just shook her head and hopped in her car, shaking her head in disbelief.

Footsteps sounded from down the hall way and I quickly closed the window and hopped in my bed. I flopped down on my bed, right as Harry swung open my bedroom door. I tried to seem as if I had just woken up, but from the look on Harry's face, it wasn't working.

"I have to go do something but I trust that your mature enough to stay in a house by yourself." He spoke roughly, giving me a look that dared me to try something when he was gone.

I nodded silently, not really wanting to speak to him at the moment. Harry nodded also, moving to leave the room. I let out a sigh, relieved that he was leaving, but held my breath as he stopped at the door.

"Oh, and next time you want to snoop, you might want to do it more subtly sweetheart." He gave me a mocking smile, winking as he exited my room, closing the door after him.

I shook my head, crawling under the covers, deciding to take a nap as I had nothing better to do.

*The next day*
*11 days left*

I gasped as I shot out of the bed, looking throughout my bedroom. I don't know exactly what it was but I heard something that woke me up. I sat in silence as I waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

I huffed as i laid back down, highly annoyed at the fact that I woke up over nothing. But once my head hit the pillow I heard a bang from downstairs. The tiredness that I felt seconds before vanished as my eyes widened in alarm. I flung the blanket off of me and hopped off the bed, hurrying to the door. I quickly made my way downstairs, another bang echoing through the house as my feet bounded down the stairs.

I followed the sound to the living room where I found Harry sitting on the couch with his head laying on the coffee table. I raised my eyebrow as I looked at all the empty beer bottles scattered across the floor. Of course, he's drunk.

"Harry." I called softly, cautious in case he lashes out on me, for I have no idea what kind of drunk he is.

Harry looked up at me when he heard my voice, his bloodshot eyes meeting mine. He gave me a loopy smile as he lifted his head from the table. I examined his state carefully, his hair was disheveled, but still looked luscious and soft. The bags under his eyes were a light shade of purple. Overall you could tell he was completely smashed, but he still looked uniquely beautiful, like always.

"Hiii" He dragged out, hiccuping at the end of his sentence. I held back my laughter as I walked towards the couch, sitting at the end of it, keeping distance between Harry and I.

Harry pouted as he looked at the space I put between us. Even though confusion sparked through out me, I ignored his action as I looked at the beer bottles once more.

I sighed as I turned to the curly haired boy. "Why'd you drink so much Harry?"

"To forget." His voice was filled with playfulness, nothing like how it usually is.

"Forget what?" My tone of voice was the same one that you would use on a kid.

Harry turned to me and I saw panic and rage flash across his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with the illusion of joy that the chemically liquid has given him. He just shook his head as he scooted closer to me, making me furrow my eyebrows. I looked up at his face to see him leaning forward slightly.

"Harry wha-" I was cut off by a pair of lips smashing onto mine. Harry's lips.

My eyes widened as my whole body froze up in surprise. I could feel Harry's lips moving against my frozen ones, making my heart beat rapidly. I looked forward to see Harry's eyes closed.

I shook my head as I pushed Harry's chest, successfully making his lips leave mine. I ignored the cold feeling on my mouth as I stared at him with a dumbfounded look. Except he wasn't looking at me, he was already busy chugging down another beer.

I decided now would be the best time to leave as I got up, racing up the stairs and into my room. The rest of the night was spent listening to Harry's drunken behavior as I tried to figure out what the fuck just happened.

Low key disappointed that she didn't kiss back...

Ugh i hate writing filler chapters, though this one did hold some importance.

I really hope you guys like this and please make sure to vote, comment, and share.

Have a wonderful day!

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