Chapter Thirty Four

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*September 15th*
*Arabelles POV*
*0 days left*

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulders. I groaned and tried to move but someone was holding me in place. I opened my eyes to see a tired looking Louis right in front of my face.

"Arabelle, come on we got to get going before someone wakes up." He whispered before climbing off my bed and leaving the room.

I huffed silently as I pulled myself out of the warm covers, looking over at the alarm clock. I groaned once I saw that it was three a.m.  I walked through the empty room and grabbed my suitcase from the closet. I then ran around the room trying to gather the little things that I left out. Once that was done I zipped up my suitcase and went in the bathroom to change.

I threw the hoodie over my head and opened the bathroom door. I stepped out into the now vacant room and looked around. I would most likely never be here again and I couldn't be more thankful. I walked over to the desk and saw the Manila envelope sitting there. I smiled to my self as I grabbed my suitcase, closing the door behind me as I stepped out into the hall.

I picked up my suitcase and carefully made my way down the stairs. The house was dead silent, it was like no one was even living here. I made it to the last step and gently set it down, rolling it further into the kitchen. I went into the living room to see Liam sitting on the couch. His head shot up as he noticed me and he gave me a small smile, signaling for me to be quiet. I nodded and sat down on the love seat, patiently waiting for Louis.

Liam and I sat and waited, freaking out at every little sound we heard. My heart would jump every time I heard something. My head shot up as I heard the stairs creaking the tiniest bit. Liam and I shared a look before staring intently at the stairs in anticipation. I held my breath as the footsteps grew closer, both of us holding out suitcases, ready to run if we needed to.

A breath of relief escaped out lips as Louis brown hair came into view. He rolled his suitcase into the room, giving us a smart grin. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, grabbing my suitcase. Liam mirrored my motions and the three of us quietly walked to the door. I watched nervously as Louis opened the door, hoping that none of the other boys comes down.

Relief flooded through me as we stepped outside, Liam slowly closing the door behind us. We quickly walked down the driveway, dragging out suitcases behind us. I sighed as the car came into view, the quicker we get there, the quicker we can leave. Louis unlocked the car as we approached, us quickly climbing in. I looked towards the house and held my breath as I saw Luke's light turn on. I know Louis noticed because he was staring intently at the window. I heard Louis chuckle making me look back to the window confusedly. I almost choked on my spit as I saw a naked girl in the window, her back facing us.

"Well he won't be noticing anything any time soon." Liam laughed, causing Louis to splutter.

I shook my head, trying not to laugh at their crude behavior. "Just drive Tomlinson."

Louis mock saluted me with a cheesy smile before starting the car. "Yes mam." He buckled his seatbelt and soon we were speeding down the street, out of the neighborhood.

I watched from my window as the house disappeared from my sight. I started to feel sad as the house got further and further away. I know that this is better for me, but I wish it didn't feel like this.

Harry and I were basically nothing and I know that. But that kiss, and all those lingering touches, it made me feel something. He's my kidnapper and any relationship with him would be wrong, but it was nice while it lasted. I almost thought about changing my mind and staying, but I know that it isn't an option. I need to see my family again, I need to be able to have freedom. To decide things and not be held captive. A life with Harry where he is more than just my kidnapper is not possible, and no matter how much we both hate it I know we know that. I know that I could find someone else, and I keep telling myself that. But every-time I do I can feel my heart calling out for him.

My deep thoughts were interrupted by Liam poking Louis face.

"Can I have the aux cord?" Liam asked, looking at Louis.

"No! Last time I let you have the aux cord you played Lady Gaga the whole time. It was the worst eight hours of my life." Louis growled, snatching the cord from Liams hands.

"Please." Liam tried again.

"No." Louis snapped, focusing on the road.

I held in my laugh as Liam huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. He stuck his bottom lip out and proceeded to pout at Louis. I could tell Louis was trying hard not to laugh, his cheek was pulled in from him biting on it. We sat in silence as Liam continued to sulk, staring intensely at Louis. I watched as Louis squirmed a little out of discomfort.

"All right god dam.n it!" Louis screamed, flinging the aux cord at Liam. A bright smile made its way onto his face as he plugged his phone up. I laughed as Louis grumbled, shaking his head in annoyance. The sound of Liam typing on his iPhone was the only sound in the car. It was silent for a few moments as he searched up a song.

I jumped as loud noise filled the car, some ad about a blender playing. I choked on my laughter as I saw what he chose.

Ohhh ohh caught in a bad romance


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