Chapter Fourteen

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The content in this chapter might make some people uncomfortable. It includes violence and other things.

*August 26th*
*Arabelle's POV*

Fast breathing was all I could hear, it sounding like someone was hyperventilating. I opened my eyes to find myself back in my childhood bedroom, with a frantic Sabrina hovering above my bed.

"Bri what is it? What's wrong?" I jumped up in bed, concern written all over my face. Her eyes were filled with worry and fear, her breathing coming out in fast and short pants. She had tears pouring out of her eyes and her hair was slightly diseveled, which was weird because she always makes sure it's kept neat.

"He's here." She said, her voice calm despite her disheveled appearance.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what she was trying to tell me. "What? Who? Who's here?."

Sabrina closed her eyes and let out a puff of breath. I gasped when she reopened them, the normal blue color in her eyes were now a deep black. "He's here Arabelle."

I was about to ask her to clarify when I heard a thud come from down the hall. My heart dropped as I heard a shriek rip through my room. I jumped out of bed when I realized that the shriek came from Brady's room.

I was about to run in there when a hand reached out and gripped my wrist. I looked back to see Sabrina shaking her head.

"Don't go in there." She squeaked, her voice now resembling a scared little girl.

"I have to Bri, Brady could be in trouble." I tried ripping my hand out of her grasp but she just held on even tighter. "Bri I have to go!" I screamed, giving my arm a hard tug, successfully ripping myself out of her grasp.

I fled to my doorway, about to fling open the door when Sabrina whispered something that made me freeze.

"Goodbye Ara."

I wanted to ask what she meant but there was no time. I ripped the door open and stepped out, slamming the door behind me. I widened my eyes in suprise when I was met with complete and utter darkness. I turned around to see the door that I just came from had disappeared.

"Brady!" I yelled into the deep dark abyss, hoping that my little brothers voice will answer me.

Another shriek came from the left side of me, causing me to run to it. I ran for what seemed like hours before I was faces with another door. I gulped, hoping that my brother would be behind it, safe and sound in his bed.

With a deep breath I flung the door open. My brother was there, along with the rest of my family, but they were not safe. They were each on their knees in the middle of the room, their hands tied together with rope. I could hear their muffled pleas through the bandanas that were wrapped around their mouths.

Tears blurred my vision as I stepped closer to them, only to be stopped by someone standing in front of me, blocking the view of my distressed family. I looked up and my heart broke as I looked up into emerald green eyes. I expected to see a haunting smirk planted on his lips, but his face was emotionless.

"What are you doing with my family." I screamed into his face, causing him to flinch very lightly. "You already have me! What more do you want?!"

I watched in horror as Harry moved to the side, letting me see the scene behind him. Three of the men were behind each member of my family, guns in their hands. The end was pointed at their heads, making me let out a scream of horror. I watched as they each took the safety off, fingers resting on the trigger.

I shot out of bed with a gasp, my heart aching in my chest. Tears covered my face and the sheets were wet with sweat. I was breathing heavily, my hand shooting to my chest, in hopes of calming my self.

It was just a dream Arabelle, your families fine, their fine.

It seemed so real though, like Sabrina was actually right in front of me, tears in her eyes as she broke down beside my bed. The fear I felt for my families safety seemed so real, like it wasn't just a cruel scene made up by my self conscious brain. I can still see the fear in little Brady's eyes whenever I closed my own.

I miss them so much, I hope that their safe above anything. If this dream taught me anything, is that I can't run away from Harry. He'll always find me. My families life's will most likely be the price I had to pay for escaping. Even if staying here takes every bit of sanity and freedom I have left, I have to stay. No matter what Harry puts me through. The safety of my family depends on it.

The tears that once poured from my eyes stopped, allowing me to finally calm my breathing. I decided to take a shower to help calm myself, especially since I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon. I gathered the clothes that I would need for the day and headed to the bathroom, grabbing a water bottle of the floor on the way.

I turned the hot water on, drinking some water while I waited for the water to heat up. Once it was to my desired temperature I undressed and climbed in. I washed my hair and body and just let the water flow onto my skin, it seemed to was all the fear and anxiety that the dream left me with.

I must have lost track of time because the next thing I remember was the water turning cold. I jumped back, not expecting the drastic temperature change. I shook my head at myself and shut the water. I grabbed one of the fluffy white towels and dried myself off. After I had my clothes on I decided to put my hair into two french braids. It took me a few times since my hair was still wet, but eventually I got it. Once I was satisfied with my hair I stepped out of the bathroom, only to jump back in suprise.

There, sitting on my bed, waiting expectantly, was none other than Harry Styles.


This suprisingly only took me 45 minutes to write, I'm proud of myself.

Anyway I hope you guys liked it and please vote, comment, and share.

Have a good day.

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