Chapter Twenty Two

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*August 30th*
*Arabelle's POV*
*important au at end*

It's been a few days since Harry found me on the side of the road. I'd be lying if I said Im completely fine, I'm not. But it has gotten easier, I don't think about it as much. I have been having some dreams recently, they cause me to shoot awake, shaking and crying, then after a few minutes I wipe away my tears and get ready for the day.

Harry still hasn't asked about what happened, which confuses me. There's no way that he's not interested in it, I could tell by his face when he saw me that he was. Maybe he just doesn't want to bother me with it, or maybe Louis told him what happened, what we talked about. I highly doubt Louis would tell him, but then again they are friends, I think. I just think that if Harry knew, he would've done something about it right? He doesn't seem like the type of person to ignore those things. If people are after me that's going to be trouble for him to, especially since he's supposed to keep me safe for whatever reason.

Louis hasn't talked to me for a few days, nothing more than the few occasional words when we pass by each other in the huge house. Even though I'm pretty sure it's because of Harry, it still hurts my feelings. I get that Harry not know his a good thing, for who knows how he'd react, but he's still the only friend I have here. It does get kind of lonely, now more than ever.

I haven't seen much of Harry either, not unless I go into the living room, which has proven to be a rare occurrence. Every time I go in there he is sitting on the long dark couch, giving a dark, empty stare to a stack of papers in front of him. I wanted to know what they were but everytime I step foot into the room he quickly puts them away cooly, acting like he wasn't looking at anything in the first place.

The other boys usually just stay in their separate rooms, doing whatever it is that they do. They don't really bother me, which perplexes me. They just seem like the type of guys to do that, seeing as they are helping Harry make sure I don't escape.

I've done a lot of thinking over the past few days, about a lot of things. One of the main ones being why am I here? Why did Harry kidnap me and not someone else? It seems like he needs me specifically, but why? For what? I don't think it's a coincidence that he chose me to take. He has a reason, one that if I figure out, could be key to my escape.

I've also been thinking about the whole Louis event that happened a couple days before. I passed it off like he was just a caring person, but I don't think that's it. Why would he almost burst into tears over a complete stranger? He doesn't know me, at least I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Unless he was like Luke and Harry and disguised themselves by pretending to be a student at my school. But I think I would've remembered him if I ever saw him. Not a lot of guys at my school look like that.

There would be a lot of times where I can't sleep at night, during which times I turn to my sketchbook. More drawings like the one of Harry I drew previously fill my sketch book. There was this one in particularly, it sent a chill down my spin every time I looked at it. The fact that it was very detailed, almost like a black and white photograph. There was a man on the floor with his hands clawing at his throat that had a knife lodged into it. Hovering over him was me, with the most scared and shocked look on my face.

I shook my head as I walked to the kitchen, hearing Louis and Liam speak in hushed voices. That's another things that's been happening a lot lately, all i would hear when I walked down the hall is low whispers. I don't even bother with trying to talk to them, it seems like they don't want to be bothered.

I sighed as I opened the fridge up, grabbing a water bottle for myself then closing the door. I turned around to see Niall leaning against the kitchen island. I gasped as I dropped my water bottle, causing a smirk to appear on his face. I scoffed as Niall started to chuckle. Kneeling down to get my water off of the ground, I shot him a dirty look, not enjoying his rude behavior.

"So how have you been Arabelle? Haven't seen you around much." He stopped me right as I was about to walk out of the kitchen, speaking in a casual way.

"Well of course you wouldn't know, with your guy's shady behavior I'm surprised you even left your room." I spoke in a matter a fact tone, making sure to make it clear that I have no interest in talking to him.

I was a little surprised when he gave me a chuckle in response. "I see you still have that attitude."

I scoffed as I turned to look at him. "Well you all still have yours, so I figured why not keep mine?"

"Fair point. I mean I would be pretty pissed if I was kidnapped because of-" Niall stopped abruptly and I raised my eyebrows, turning around to see what he was looking at.

I turned to see Harry standing in the door way, giving Niall a vile glare. Whatever Niall was about to say must have made Harry angry fast, his veins were popping and his nostrils were flared. I knew he was probably about to tell me why I was here. Ugh why did Harry have to interrupt?! He always shows up at the wrong time.

I was broke out of my trance by Harry's malicious voice. "Arabelle go up stairs."

I didn't hesitate as I climbed up the staircase, not wanting to argue with Harry when he's angry again. I made it to my room just as the angry voices got louder from downstairs.

I sighed as I grabbed my sketchbook, drowning out the yelling.

Don't worry guys Niall isn't a complete asshole in this.

I just really want to thank the people who have been reading my chapters, especially the ones who read it all at once. Thanks for voting, it really helps a lot. I will be double updating today in honor of hitting 1K reads.

If you guys like this story I think you might like my sisters. It's called Limited Love and it's a Larry story. Check her out if you want idratherbeariel

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