Chapter Fifty Eight

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*November 19th*
*Harrys POV*

The truck pulled into the driveway as I hopped out of the car, not even waiting for it to come to a stop. I rushed up onto Nialls porch, not even bothering to knock as I pushed the door open. I heard the boys right behind me as I walked further into the house. I turned into the kitchen to see Niall sitting at the island, a beer in his hand as he scrolled on his phone. He looked up and surprise took over his features as he saw all of us in his house.

"Hey guys!" He chirped. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is she?" I barked frantically, not in the mood for small talk.

Niall gave me a confused look. "Who?"

Liam sighed as he stepped forward. "We know your hiding her mate. It's fine, we're not going to turn you in. We just want to see her, we need to make sure she's ok. We know you were just trying to help her and do the right thing and we appreciate it." Liam said softly, cutting to the chase.

Niall looked down at the floor with a guilty look on his face.

"We promise nothing will happen to you. Just tell us where she is." Louis spoke up, his words coming out rushed and desperate.

"I told her to just talk to you guys." He said softly, his voice cracking in guilt. We all nodded softly, letting him know we weren't mad. "She's on her way to the airport. She just left, if you leave now you can still catch her. I let her take my car, the tan one." He spilled out.

I smiled in relief and we all thanked him before we rushed out the door. Zayn decided to stay behind with Niall, for a reason I don't care to know.

We all climbed into the truck, Liam driving and me in the passenger seat, leaving Louis in the back. I didn't bother putting on my seat belt as he pulled out of the driveway, rushing down the highway.

We saw a car pull out from a hidden road in the forest, making me furrow my eyebrows. I leaned forward in my seat, squinting my eyes to examine the car. My eyes widened as I realized it was Nialls car that he told us about early.

"That's her!" I informed, making Liam nod.

The tan car sped up, racing down the road as she must have recognized Liams car. I watched as she went way over the speed limit, doing around 70, 80.

"She's going way to fast." Louis muttered anxiously.

Liam presses harder on the gas, hoping to get closer to her. I watched anxiously as the car sped towards the road. I realized she was close the harsh turn up a head, and I prayed that she would slow down.

My prayers were ignored as she sped up slightly, the wheels squeaking as she turned harshly. My heart dropped as she ran off the road.

"Holy s.hit." Liam cursed as he watched the horrific scene infront of us.

We tried to get closer as she drove into the forest. Tears sprung to my eyes as I realized she lost control of the car. I could see the car speeding down slightly, but not enough to prevent what was about to happen.

All of a sudden her car crashed into a tree, my whole world coming to a stop as I screamed. Liam parked the truck and i opened the door, sprinting frantically to the destroyed car. The whole world seemed to be in slow motion as I jogged to the car. It felt like the longest run of my life but eventually I reached the car.

I peaked into the car to her head on the steering wheel, the white air bag around her head. Blood was gushing from her forehead as her body was hunched over.

I tore the door open, crouching down next to her. My heart ached as I saw the tears on her rosy cheeks. She still looked as beautiful as ever, even with the tears and blood rushing down her face.

I grabbed her wrist in mine, putting my two fingers over her wrist as I tried to feel her pulse. I pressed my fingers harder against her skin when I didn't feel anything. I pressed harder, desperately waiting to feel anything. I exhaled shakily as I felt her pulse, barely there, but enough to let me know that she was alive.

Tears rushed down my cheeks as I sighed in relief. I brushed her hair out of her head, looking down at her face. Her eyes were shut, her long, dark eyelashes resting against her cheek. She looked so peaceful, despite the situation.

I heard sirens in the distance, hope filling me as I realized one of the boys called 911. I waited patiently for them as I held her hand in mine, wishing that her hand would hold mine back.

It wasn't too long until I was pushed out of the way, paramedics rushing around the car. I could see all of their mouths moving as they shouted frantic orders, but I couldn't see a thing. I watched numbly as they pulled my unconscious lover out of the car. The world seemed to slow down as they started to perform cpr, me just watching hopelessly.

Soon two men came up with a stretcher and with a treat effort they pulled her limp body onto it. They ran towards the ambulance, leaving me standing there, frozen.

I felt a hand touch my arm and i looked down to see a paramedic. They were looking at me with sympathic eyes and I quickly realized they were trying to talk to me.

"Sir are you ok?" He asked, causing me to nod. "Do you know this woman?"

"I-I'm her b-boyfriend." I choked out.

I watched as his face dropped in sympathy. He nodded, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Would you like to ride with her to the hospital?" He asked softly, causing me to nod.

I followed the man to the ambulance, climbing into the back of the vehicle. I looked down at Ara to see her hooked up to an IV and my heart broke as I stared at her. I grabbed her hand again, not wanting to ever let go again.

"Sir. The two men are going to follow us to the hospital." The man from earlier said.

I nodded and he shut the door. People started moving around me but I didn't focus on them. All I could see was the beautiful unconscious girl on the table. I wiped my tears as I stared at her, not knowing if she was going to be ok.

She had scrapes and cuts all over her body. A huge gash was on her forehead, right beneath her hairline. Blood and sweat mixed together, dripping down her face.

She still looked amazing.

As we raced towards the hospital, all I could think was if I lose her, I loose everything. I can't lose her. She's all I've ever known. She's everything to me.
This chapter made me sad.

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Have a wonderful day

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