Chapter Thirteen

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*August 25th*
*Arabelle's POV*

The boys have been here for four days but I haven't seen them since they arrived. After my little show of "introducing myself" Harry took it upon himself to lock me inside of my room.

I bolted up the stairs all the way into my room, making sure to slam the door behind me. I sat down on my bed, looking outside through the balcony door. It was completely silent downstairs, almost as if no one was down there, but I knew better then that.

I jumped when I heard a sudden slam throughout the house, coming from the living room. It sounded like a glass table being thrown, the glass shattering and landing all over the floor. I hoped that Harry would just stay down there and leave me alone, but when are my prayers ever answer these days.

I heard a few voices down stairs, I couldn't make out what they were saying but they sounded frantic. Foot steps suddenly sounded, hushing the voices and the person made their way up the stairs. What confused me was the fact that they didn't seem rushed, or angry for that matter. Whoever it was was taking their time, calmly walking up the stairs. I waited to see when they would stop, and they did soon enough, right in front of my door.

I held my breath and waited for the unknown person to make their way into my room. I was expecting it to be Harry, but I was caught by suprise when Louis entered the room, gently shutting the door behind him. I gave him a raise of my eyebrow, silently asking him what he was doing in here, to afraid to speak in case someone else was listening.

My confusion grew even more as Louis gave me a guilty, apologetic look. I was about to ask him why, but he spoke before I could.

"Since you wanted to throw a little tantrum, you can stay locked in this room by yourself until we tell you otherwise." His tone was rude and demanding, but his face was a different story. I knew he was being forced to do this, and I gave him a understanding look. "Someone will come up and bring you food and water whenever we get to it."

He shot me one more sad smile, to which I returned with one of my own, before leaving the room. I heard a click from the other side of the door, letting me know that he locked it from the outside. I should've been upset or scared, but I wasn't, I was relieved. The fact that Harry was so mad that he had someone else lock me up in my room, meant that he probably wasn't going to come up here for at least a day.

Flashback over

No one has even spoke to me when they come up here, they just fling the door open, throw my food and water on the floor, and slam the door when they leave. It's always been Luke, or the brown haired one with the muscles, I still don't know their names and I don't care to.

Other then the occasional times that they actually bring me food, it's been eerily quiet in this house. No one seemed to be speaking, no music was played, and the TV always seemed to be off. The only thing that you could hear if you listened hard enough was the faint footsteps of someone walking around the house, but that's about it.

I sighed, absolutely bored of doing nothing but sit and wait for someone to come in here, when it's obvious they won't be anytime soon. I hesitantly got off the bed, not wanting them to hear my movement. I quietly tip toed over to my suitcase, taking out the sketch book and pencil bag that I secretly put in there when Harry wasn't looking. I knew that I would need something to entertain my self.

After collecting all the stuff that I would need, I carefully made my way back to my bed. I started flipping to a new page but stopped once I saw one that caught my eye. It was a drawing I did a few days before I left. It was a family picture of Dad, Sabrina, Brady and I. The original picture was taken on Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be a serious photo, but at last minute Brady jumped on my lap, making me laugh in suprise. Sabrina and my dad were looking at us with raised eyebrows, looking at us out of the corner of their eye. It was my favorite picture of us as a family, which is why I decided to sketch it. The whole thing took me 4 hours but it was worth it. I remember when I showed the finished project to my dad, he had smiled so wide that his eyes crinkled in the corners. He told me how good it was and how that was his favorite photo of us to.

I felt a tear drop hit my hand, bringing me back to reality. I didn't realize I started to cry, I quickly wiped my tears and closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down. I flipped to a new page and got my pencils and erasers out. I thought about what I wanted to draw, when an idea suddenly came to me.

I put the pencil to the paper and started to make an out line of what I wanted. I made a few fixes and hardened my lines once I was satisfied. I started shading the places where it was needed, getting so lost in the art that I didn't even realized how late it was getting. About 5 hours later I was finally finished, my hand was cramping and the sun had set a while ago. I looked around my room and realized there was a plate of food on sitting on the floor, along with a bottle of water. I didn't even hear anyone open the door, but I also do get too sucked into my drawing.

I looked back down onto the paper and gasped, not realizing that I added something in it without even paying attention.

There was a girl in the corner with black hair just like mine. Her hands were covering her ears with her eyes pinched shut, her fear obvious from the way she was crouching against the wall. I looked over and saw a man standing in front of her, towering over her, looking down. He had a wicked evil smile and his eyes were shaded dark, with a slight white glimmer in them, making him look even more insane.

But what startled me wasn't his smile, it was the curls that rested on top of his head.


But who doesn't want to draw Harry.

I hope you guys liked the chapter, please vote, comment, and share it helps alot.

Have a good day :)

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