Chapter Four

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*August 17th*
*Arabelles POV*

My mind screamed at me as my body seemed unable to move. Run. Run Arabelle. Don't look back.

And so I did. I swallowed my fear and ran. I ran all the way off the porch until I could feel the ground under my feet. There was a forest about 15 yards from the house, that's the direction my feet instantly dragged me to. I can honestly say I have never ran as fast in my life. Even when I was in track a year ago, this is the fastest I've ran.

The forest was now less than a yard away from me, so I willed my burning calf's to carry me faster. My lungs were on fire and sweat was trickling down my forehead. My thighs felt very weak but I pushed myself to keep going. I had to keep going.

I passed the first tree and I could now feel leaves and branches cracking beneath my feet but I refused to stop. In the distance I could see that there were more trees as I went on, meaning it would soon be difficult for me to run as fast. But I didn't care. I would do anything if it meant I could see my family again.

Hundreds of thoughts swam through my brain as I realized it was getting difficult to carry on. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my entire being was screaming for more oxygen. Out of all the thoughts in my head I chose to stick with one. Push through Arabelle, you've got to push through.

I continued running until a voice made my heart drop. "Shit", the yell pierced throughout the forest. But it wasn't Harry. Was there someone else in the house? Is there more then one? More than two?

In a few short seconds I heard what sounded like someone jumping off the porch, and then distant footsteps behind me. But the footsteps weren't normal, no, it was someone sprinting. Someone was now chasing me.

I cursed under my breath as I started to run as fast as I could, dodging trees and logs on the way.

"Arabelle!" The unknown man screamed making my heart rate pick up even more. So he obviously was after me. "Arabelle stop!"

Ignoring him I pushed my self to run even faster, even though every muscle in my body was begging me to stop. I couldn't let them take me again. Who knows what they want me for, all I know is I don't want to stay and find out.

My foot caught against something which caused my feet to fall out from under me. A scream erupted through my throat as I began to roll down a hill. Rocks and branches were slicing my skin, making me wince as I felt the blood trickle down my arms and legs. I extended my arm out trying to get a hold of something, but nothing was there. It wasn't until a few seconds later when I landed harshly on the ground, making my breath get caught in my throat.

My eyes automatically shut in pain, my whole body now aching intensely. I opened my eyes  to see an unknown man hovering above me. He moved his hand which made me turn my head fast in fear of what he would do. I waited a few seconds later but nothing came. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see him holding out his hand. I stared at it confusingly before looking up at the man. He had a concern look in his face and his eyes were urging me to take his hand. So many thoughts ran through my head, advising me not to take it, to not trust him. He's not going to take you to safety. Get up. Get up and run.

"Arabelle I'm not gonna hurt you" he spoke surprisingly soothingly, his hand still extended.

I looked at him and realized he didn't really look like Harry. He still had tattoos that littered his arms, but they seemed to stop there. His collarbones and up we're free, just plain skin there. He too had gauges, his lips also had two piercing in them. A eyebrow ring was hooked into his brow just like Harry has. But between the piercings and numerous tattoos and the brown poofed up hair, there was also a certain kindness in those warm grey-blue eyes. Everything else about him looked tough and dangerous except for those eyes, those eyes that seemed to sparkle with sincerne and trustworthiness. My gut and my head were saying two completely different things. Both going to war trying to will my body into doing what they say. After a few more seconds I decided to go with my gut and take this man's hand.

I slowly reached my hand out which made his eyes snap to it and he watched me carefully wrap my smaller hand in his much larger one. He let out a breath of what sounded like relief when our hands made contact.

"There you go love" he spoke just above a whisper, before gently pulling me to my feet.

Once standing I looked into his eyes to find them already staring back at mine. "W-who are y-you" even though I felt this odd comfort and trust with this unidentified man, my voice couldn't stop wobbling with uncertainty.

At this he cracked a small, but evident smile before responding just as softly as before, as if he was scared to shatter the silence in the forest surrounding us. "The names Louis" he had a British accent like Harry but Harry's voice was much more raspy and demanding, whereas Louis was soft and somewhat soothing.

"How do you know my name" I questioned, fearing that he worked with Harry and was going to bring me back, even though I already knew it was true.

My assumptions we're correct as he looked towards the ground solemnly, like he was sincerly sorry for the answer he was about to give me.

I watched in anticipation as he sighed deeply, licking his dry lips before opening his mouth to speak. "I'm sorry love, I'm sure you and me sadly already know the answer."


Yessssss. Louis has entered the group chat. I was going to wait longer to put anyone else in but the story felt empty lmao.

Anyway I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short I wanted to end it at a specific spot and didn't realize it wouldn't be long enough.

But I hope y'all like it. Please make sure to like comment and share, it really helps alot.

Have a good day/night.

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