Chapter Twenty Eight

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*September 9th*
*Arabelles POV*
*6 days left*

I sighed, listening to the persistent knocking on the door. I don't know why they keep trying, I'm not letting anyone in. Ever since Louis told me about the gang situation, my door has been locked and I refuse to let anyone in. It's not that I don't want to talk to anyone, it's just that I need time to think and process the information.

It's mostly Louis that has been knocking on the door, I think he feels bad that he told me. He thinks that I'm mad at him but that's not the case, I am a little upset that he didn't tell me sooner. I understand why he didn't though, I mean who knows what will happen if the others find out that he told me.

The other boys returned at midnight the other night. I still have no idea where they were or what they were doing, but I'm guessing it's gang related. I shouldn't be that surprised that their in a gang, i mean it all adds up the more I think about everything. The fact that theirs so many guys living here for starters. Also when Louis first told me that the other boys were coming, he said that 'Harry is bringing more men in'. Harry and Luke also went undercover at my school, Luke pretended to be a football quarterback. Meanwhile Harry was blending in with my sisters group of stoner friends.

My train of thought was broken as the door to my room opened and shut, causing me to snap my head towards the door. I was surprised to see Liam leaning against it.

"How did you get in here?" I asked him, a little mad that my privacy is broken.

Liam shot me a matter a fact look. "You really think I don't know how to pick a lock?"

It wasn't until then that I saw the safety pin in his right hand. I scoffed in complete disbelief. "You picked my lock?!"

Liam shrugged his shoulders, giving me a sheepish look as he stepped further into the room. "You weren't answering the door for anyone."

"Yea that was for a reason." I sassed, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him as he sat on my bed.

I almost laughed as he raised his hands in mock defense. "Hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay." My eyebrows furrowed as his face softened. "Louis is really worried about you, you know."

I looked down at my hands that laid in my lap. "He has no reason to, I'm fine."

"Is that so?" He gave me a pointed look before sighing. "Locking yourself up in a bedroom for two days doesn't really scream 'I'm okay'"

I laughed quietly before shaking my head. "I just needed time to think. To clear my head you know?"

I looked over to see Liam nodding his head slowly, looking like he was deep in thought. "Yea I understand. Your still leaving with Louis though right?"

I whipped my head up quickly, staring at him in shock. "How do you know that?!"

"Relax. Louis told me, he figured I could help." He gently put his hand on my shoulder once he saw the panic still on my face. "I'm not going to tell Arabelle."

"How do I know that." I spoke softly, not fully trusting him.

I watched as Liam got up, heading towards the door. He opened it before giving me a soft smile. "Because I don't believe you deserve this life either."

With that he left the room, leaving me with my confusing thoughts. I groaned as I got up, heading for my bedroom door. I opened it to see Louis sitting next to it. He gave me a sheepish look once he realized I opened the door.

"Hi." His voice was quiet and timid which I found amusing. I mean he was full of tattoos and piercings yet he was sitting on the floor acting shy like a little kid.

"Hello Louis." I replied, my voice just as quiet as his.

"Are you mad at me?" He questioned hesitantly, looking scared of my response.

I sighed as my back slid against the wall, settling myself down next to him. "No I'm not mad at you Louis."

I saw him look at me confusedly out of the corner of my eye. "Then why weren't you answering the door."

I laid my head on his shoulder, causing him to tense up but he relaxed quickly after. "I just needed time to think and clear my head.

Louis nodded, staring at the white wall in front of us. He didn't reply though so I just closed my eyes, letting the silence envelope us. It felt nice to have some human interaction, even though I don't completely understand what Liam said. They both keep saying I don't deserve this life but I don't get why, they don't even know me. I've never seen them before in my life before Harry brought me here. Plus their gang members that were most likely involved in my kidnapping, why would they care.

"Louis." He turned to look at me curiously. "Why do you care? About me I mean."

A weird look that I couldn't decipher appeared on his face. "I just do."

I decided to leave it as I just nodded my head. Pushing the topic and making him mad didn't seem like a good thing to do. I've never seen him mad but for some reason I don't think I want to. I closed my eyes and tried to relax and enjoy the silence.

For some reason Harry popped into my mind. That's one thing that has kept me locked up in my room. I keep thinking of those emerald green eyes and those unruly black curls. The way that I felt when he kissed me on the couch, or our short interaction in the kitchen. I tried not to think about it and tell myself that it means nothing... but I don't think it did.
And that's what scares me.


It's getting closer to their escape yayy!

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Have a wonderful day

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