Chapter Fifty

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*November 13th*
*Arabelles POV*

"I'll be back soon." Niall called out, halfway out the door.

"Goodbye." I called back, right before he shut the door.

I sighed as I glanced around the empty apartment. Silence fills the room as I sat alone, trying to sort out my thoughts.

I understand how Niall feels about this situation and I feel badly that I yelled at him like that. I can't even imagine how it would feel to tell my Bestfriend's that the girl that they care strongly about is "dead." He looked drained when he came back home. He looked overly tired, emotionally and physically just tired.

He's wrong if he thinks that this isn't hurting me. It's killing me to know that they think I'm dead. That their suffering. I told Niall it wasn't a good idea and that we should just deal with things as they come. If the gang showed up at his house to look for me that we'll deal with it one step at a time. But he refused. He didn't want to be caught with me in his house. He said that if they knew he was hiding me than his punishment could be torture, or even death.

I'm just so angry, confused, hurt, a whole bunch of emotions that I can't control. I've been using this month to try and clear my head but I just can't. I don't understand why they kept something so big from me. Would it have changed anything if they told me? We're they ordered not to tell me? Even if they were, Louis and Liam helped me escape against their orders.

I've been having these awful reoccurring dreams. I hear my mother tell me that Louis is my brother, just like it happened that day. But instead of me grabbing a gun and walking out of there, it's my mom who gets to it first. The rest of it passes in a blur and the next thing I know I'm holding Harry's bleeding body in my lap.

I closed my eyes as my hands shook slightly, the thought of Harry dying making my heart break. What's worse is I know that's what he's going through right now. Niall already told me that Harry wasn't doing good as it is.  Whenever Niall went to check on him his house would be covered in beer bottles. He's been drinking himself unconscious, for who knows how long. The last time Niall went he said he found drugs on the table, though he didn't say what kind.

I want him to be ok and I want things back to the way they were before. But it's not that easy. I can't just go back to him and tell him that I love him and forgive him. That will let him believe that what he did is ok, when it's not.

I feel like my whole life has been flipped upside down. I have no idea what or who to believe. I had just come to terms with the fact that my mothers dead and my dad has to raise us on his own. All of the nights I had to deal with Brady crying for his mom. The nights that dad couldn't sleep because he had dreamt of her once again. Only to find out that she's been alive and well all this time. In fact, she seems to be having the time of her life.

She left her children and loving husband to run a gang. She said that if anything the life with us was her double life. So how long has she been leading that gang? How many other kids does she have? How many other family's has she done this to? Was it just my dad? Or are their several other men mourning the loss of the women they loved?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lock in the door turning. My heart dropped as I heard the door open, knowing that Niall won't be back until late. I heard boots come in contact with the wood floor has I held my breath.

"Ni? You here?" A familiar voice shouted.

I stayed frozen as they got closer to the kitchen. I tried to think of what to do, if I could hide or something but it was too late. The person froze as they saw me sitting at the table. Their eyes widened as their eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What the h.ell?" He murmured, reaching for his phone In his pocket.

"Zayn wait!" I jumped from my chair, grabbing onto his arm to stop him from calling anyone.

"What do you mean wait?! Do you know how many people are out there looking for you right now? I'm calling this in." He exclaimed, pulling the phone out of his pocket.

My hand came up and quickly knocked the phone out of his hand, catching him off guard. The phone fell to the floor and I instantly stomped on it, hearing the glass crunch beneath my shoes.

"The f.uck?!" Zayn yelled, his face turning red.

"You can't turn this in." I repeated.

"Why not? Do you know how worried everyone is? How much sleep the guys are losing because they think your dead?" He snapped, stepping further into the kitchen.

"I know. But you can't call this in. If you do than they'll know Niall has been hiding me. And we both know what they'll do with him if they find out. So please, don't call this in. If not for me than do it for Niall." I pleaded desperately, looking at him in the eyes.

He stared at me for a minute as he processed what I was saying. He ran his fingers through his hair as he cursed under his breath.

"Fine. I won't." He finally said, making me sigh in relief.

"Thank you." I breathed.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Niall." He spat, picking up his broken phone.

"Did you really have to stomp on it?"

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Have a wonderful day!

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