Chapter Eight

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*Louis POV*
*August 20th*
(Kind of important question in the AN at the end btw)

I sigh, the warm water from the above showerhead running down my body, making me feel a sense of calmness. The water seems to wash away all the negative things my life has become filled with. Dripping off my body and onto the sleek white bathtub, circling down the drain soon after. I wish that was the reality though, because I know this tranquility is short lived, the water actually doing very little in calming the storm inside my head. It won't fix anything. It won't fix the fact that Harry is ruining an innocent soul, one that is pure and so unlike this world's population. I only needed to take one look at her to realise that fact that Arabelle is a rare find. A calm, loving creature. But of course, like most things, the good in her has been tainted.

Ever since that day we're I found her trying to escape, where Harry made it painfully clear that she's never leaving this wretched place, this horrid lifestyle, she's became a ghost. Just wandering through life at this point, shes figured out what we all know.

Her freedom is impossible.

She just sits in that lonely room, staring out the window. Anytime Harry barges in like a mad man, her facial expressions and dead eyes never change, and that just angers him more. He'll do what he usually does, threaten her or hold her up against the wall by the throat. But she's too busy processing everything to care. That's all she's doing, she's not broken, she's the same person she was. She's just dealing with the loss of hope that she once had. A hope to get back to a normal life. But as all people know that have stepped into this life, there is no going back.

I turned the water off, the calming sensation fading as I stepped out of the tub. Reaching over, I grabbed a towel from the rack, proceeding to dry myself off. I got dressed in my normal all black attire.

Harry's gone, he left this morning for some sort of business thing. I took this as my opportunity to try to talk to Arabelle. I don't want her to become an empty soul, to lose sight of who she is.

I opened the door to the bathroom, watching the steam evaporate through it, before stepping out into the narrow hallway. I have no idea what to say, honestly what are you even supposed to say to someone in this position. It will be ok? Cause that's just bullshit.

Finally reaching the door of Arabelles room, I lifted my had and knocked lightly on her door.

"Come in" I heard her tired voice say through the thick white wood.

Having been granted permission I carefully push open her door, stepping inside and closing it behind me. When I turned around I found her sitting in the same spot, she didn't even look like she was breathing.

The only sound in the room was the soft sound of my feet on the floor as i made my way to her, cautiously sitting on her bed. Arabelle remained unmoving, not even glancing my way, and decided I should say something before I chicken out.

"How are you doing?" Compassion filled my tone, which I was not used to. I'm usually a sarcastic asshole but, I want to help her for some unknown reason.

"Fine." Shes lying. How on Earth could she be fine?

Sighing, I called her out on her dishonest statement. "We both know that's not true Arabelle."

I was surprised when she snapped her body around, her tired, broken eyes looking into mine. "Well what do you expect me to say Louis?" Her usual soft, calm voice came out as a desperate choked up clump of words.

I shook my head sadly at her. "I don't expect you to say your fine. I know your not fine, but who would be." Reaching out, I placed my hand on top of hers. "But you can't let him break you Ara. Your so much stronger then this, I can tell. You'll get through this, but you can't give up. You can't give in. He wants you for a reason, a reason that remains unknown, but you can't let him get what he wants. Don't let him ruin you, that's exactly what he wants." I pleaded.

When I was finished I realized that Arabelles eyes were no longer on me, instead they were trained on the floor. It seemed like she was trying to take in what I told her, trying to figure out if the fight is even worth it.

Suddenly her eyebrows narrowed in confusion as she looked up at me accusingly. "Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me when your supposed to be helping him. What's in it for you? What do you get out of this?"

This time it was me who looked down to the floor, racking my brain for an answer, but finding none. "I don't know. I don't know why I'm helping you. I just see something in you."

"Like what?" She questioned, confused on what I was getting at.

"Something that should be cherised, not destroyed." I replied instantly, looking into her grey eyes intently. "So just stay strong, don't let him break you. If not for me but for yourself. Do it for you."

And with that I got up and walked away, leaving her staring at me dumbfoundedly as I walked out the door.


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter, I didn't know what else to put in it and I didn't want to drag some unnecessary parts out.

I actually really like this chapter for some reason. Since it's my goal to make this story kinda different I like that Louis is caring and everything.

Well I hope you guys liked it. Please vote, like, and comment, it really helps alot and I'd appreciate it.

I'm also thinking about double updating close to Christmas time, if that is something that you all would want, comment and let me know.

Love y'all and thanks for reading!

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