Chapter Twenty Four

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*September 2nd*
*Arabelle's POV*
13 days left

I smiled brightly as I rose from my bed, waking  up from my sleep. Usually, I wouldn't be happy when I wake up, but today's different. Today Louis is planning on leaving to get her the stuff for my escape. Apparently he has an excuse ready for whenever Harry asks where he's going.

I heard a knock at my door, causing me to shoot my head up in surprise. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 10:30, Louis should have been gone already. Feeling confused, I hopped out of bed and made my way towards the door.

I opened it only to come face to face with Harry. I was struck with confusion once I realized he has the same distant look in his eyes as Louis does. But once he realized the door had opened, it disappeared completely.

"Um hi?" I said quietly, utterly confused on what was happening. We haven't spoke in forever which is a confusing fact in itself, you would think your kidnapper would at least speak to you right?

"Move." He said gruffly, pushing past me into the room. So were back to being an asshole, fun.

"What are you doing in here Harry?" I crossed my arms across my chest, further showing my annoyance at his rude actions.

I grew further annoyed as he laughed bitterly, his dark eyes showing no humor. "I think you forgot who's in charge here sweetheart."

My breath catches in my throat as Harry speeds over to me, pushing me against the wall. I gasped as my back came in constant with the cold wood, pain spreading throughout my body. I whimpered as I felt his hand slip into my hair, yanking my head to the side. My heartbeat quickened as I felt his breath fan against my ear, making me voluntarily cringe.

"What?" He whispered mockingly, his tone sending chills down my spine. "Got nothing to say? Not so brave now huh?"

My mind reeled with thoughts as I felt Harry's body press against mine. I swallowed my fear as I looked into his eyes. A bunch of emotions seemed to swim in his gorgeous emerald green eyes. I couldn't pinpoint what they were, for once one flashed through, it was gone within a blink of an eye. I gasped as his eyes became dead and cold, his hand tightening the grip on my hair.

"Now listen, little girl. It's going to be just you and I for these next few days. So you better learn your place." My head hit the wall as he released my hair, stepping away from me. "And you better learn it fast."

I looked into his emotionless eyes, watching as he walked out of the room. I let out a breath as the door closed, my eyes closing as I tried my best to calm down. His last words sent chills down my spine, his tone so cold yet distant.

What did he mean when he said it was only going to be him and I for these next few days? I thought only Louis was leaving? Did the others go with him? If not then where did they go?

My pounding headache grew as these questions racked my brain. A tear escaped my eye as I laid down on my bed, one that I wiped away quickly. I didn't want to let Harry get to me, especially since I'm leaving soon. I'm just going to have to ignore it for the time being. I don't see any other way, besides I only have thirteen days left here, hopefully.

"Arabelle!" A scream erupted through the house, making me shoot out of bed. "Come here."

I hesitantly climbed out of bed, going through the hall way and making my way downstairs. It took me a few moments but eventually I made my way to the living room where Harry was waiting impatiently by the front door.

"Get your shoes on we're leaving." He demanded, pointing towards the space next to the door where my shoes were. I gave him a confused look, not understanding why we were leaving. "Now!" He barked, causing me to scurry over to the shoes.

I slipped them on as fast as I could, walking out the front door as I was done. Harry waited for me to walk out onto the porch, before closing and locking the door. We walked in silence towards the car, me just not daring to say anything.

The car filled with an uncomfortable silence, one that made me squirm slightly as Harry started the car. I watched him as he pulled out of the drive way. He seemed very angry and tense for some reason, one that I didn't really care to know the answer of.

We drove for a few minutes until we reached a small shopping plaza. Harry pulled into the parking area and parked in front of a grocery store. I started to unbuckle my seatbelt when a hand roughly grabbed my wrist.

"Stay here" Harry said curtly, unbuckling his own seat belt. I watched as he opened his car door, walking into the the store.

I sighed as I brought my knees up to my chest, staring out the window. I watched as family's and couple walked past, trying to run their errands or spend quality time together. I smiled as my eyes landed on a specific family. It was a man with his daughter and younger son, their smiles were so wide as they laughed and joked with each other. I watched with a smile as my face as the little boy abruptly stopped, pulling on his dads jeans to get his attention. The man finally noticed and looked down at his son, who was raising his arms in the air. The little boy laughed in glee as he dad picked him up, swinging him so he sat down on his shoulders. I watched as the three of them walking into a shoe store, out of my sight.

It wasn't until then that I realized the warm, salty tears that were sliding down my cheeks. That little boy reminded me so much of Brady, his playful attitude identical to Brady's. I miss them, but it will only be a short time until I'm reunited with them again, hopefully. I saw Harry walking out of the front of the store, causing me to quickly wipe the tears off my cheeks. I looked at the case of beer that he held in his left hand and cursed in my head slightly.

It was going to be a long few days.

Awe poor Arabelle.

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