Chapter Thirty Six

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*September 16th*
*Arabelles POV*

I felt the car come to a stop as I kept my eyes closed, not ready to wake up quite yet. I fell asleep right when Liam started playing Justin Timberlake. I figured it was best to before Louis started yelling again.

I'm guessing that we've reached New York since we've stopped. We've only made a few stops, not wanting to slow down in case their looking for us. We had to stop for Louis to sleep for a bit, Liam didn't feel like driving.

The car door opened, letting the cold night air into the car. I'm guessing it was around 5 in the morning, judging by the pink sky. I look up to see a sleep deprived Louis smiling softly at me.

"Come on. We're at a hotel." He held a hand out and helped me out of the car. We all got our bags and started walking towards the entrance.

"Won't they find us quicker if the hotel is under any of our names?" I questioned tiredly, rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

Louis flashed me a proud smile before showing me a card. "Fake ID sweetie."

I giggled, rolling my eyes as we entered the warm lobby. I waited near the stairs with Liam as Louis booked us a room. I looked over to see Liam playing angry birds on his phone. I laughed causing him to shoot his head up. He shot me a sheepish look as he handed his phone to me. We started playing together, taking turns beating different levels.

We stopped as Louis walked towards us, holding a room key. I smiled, excited to lay in a bed.

"Why'd you only get one room?" Liam asked curiously as we all headed up the stairs.

"Safer in numbers." Louis shrugged. "Besides it's better if Ara is with one of us and I'm not leaving her in a room with you."

I chuckled as Liam pretended to look offended, holding his hand over his chest. Louis rolled his eyes as we stopped in front of the room, him unlocking the door with the key. We stepped into the room tiredly to see that there were two beds.

"Who's sleeping with who?" I asked as I flopped down on one of the beds.

"Liams with me, I don't trust him enough to sleep with you." Louis joked, throwing a pillow at Liam.

"Whatever." Liam catches the pillow. "Are we gonna cuddle."

Louis pretended to act disgusted before nodding, climbing in the bed and spooning with Liam.

"I ship it." I whispered, already wrapped up in blankets.

"Shut up" Louis laughed.

I giggled as I closed my eyes, sinking further into the mattress. Harry pushed himself in my mind and I couldn't help the thoughts that race through my head. How is he? Did he read my letter? Did he find the picture? Is he looking for me? Is he sad that I left? Or is he just angry that he'll have to come look for me? I know that it's extremely selfish but I can't help but hope that he was sad, because that means he cares.

I sighed as I felt sleep taking over, my dreams filled with nothing but Harry.

I stepped into the shower, allowing the water to cascade down my aching back. I was the first one up so I figured I'd get ready for the day. I don't even know if we're going to leave and explore the city. Or if we're going to have to stay and hide in hotels. We don't even know if their looking for us.

Louis and Liam destroyed their phones and bought new ones under different names. Louis got us all fake IDs which meant that if we're ever out in public, we're going to have to go by those names. Mines Annabelle, Louis is Larry, and Liams is Leroy. I told Louis that mine was too close to my original but he just shrugged it off. Apparently most of the people in the gang are not very smart.

I turned off the water and got out of the shower, quickly drying off and getting dressed . I blow dried my hair and French braided it. I don't think the boys are up yet, I'm not really expecting them to be.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Louis spread out on the bed, snores escaping his lips. I looked around to see that Liam wasn't here and began to internally panic. Just then the door to the hotel swung open and I shrieked in fear, diving into the blankets. In an instant Louis shot up, grabbing his gun from the bedside table and aiming it at the door.

We both looked towards the door to see Liam holding a bag of food with an amused look on his face. Louis sighed in annoyance before setting the gun on the table.

"Ara why the hell did you scream like that?!" Liam exclaimed, chuckling at my behavior.

I gave him a sheepish look. "I got scared. I didn't know who was at the door."

Louis laughed, shaking his head as he stood up, snatching the food from Liams hands.

"Listen I've been thinking about something." Liam said, sitting next to Louis.

"Oh great." Louis muttered sarcastically, causing me to laugh.

"Shut up. Like I was saying.." Liam paused to shoot Louis a dirty look. "If they do so happen to find us, what's the plan?"

Louis looked down to think until he finally sighed. "We're going to just have to run, and if it comes down to it we're going to have to use our guns."

"But Ara doesn't have one." Liam stated.

I watched as Louis grabbed his suitcase, pulling out a black pistol. He handed it to me, me taking it hesitantly.

"Now she does. You know how to shoot one right?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Great then it's settled. If we're found you run, shoot, and try not to get captured. Or die"

I want to share a hotel room with Liam and Louis.

I just wanted to let you guys know that the next couple of chapters are going to have time skips. I personally don't like them but it's important for the story.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Please make sure to vote, comment, and like.

Have a wonderful day!

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