Terrified, truth be told. What sacrifices should women make to protect themselves from the stake?
At what time did humans decide that women should be shamed and dismiss their pride?
Unfathomable, these events that undergo, in streets at night and even in broad daylight!
How can this be prevented, all of this catastrophe? One lost, is too many but when will there be enough?
Light of the world, shine from above, or below if you must!
Chaos cannot live without peace and peace cannot thrive without the essence of chaos.
When will the bickering and evil bow down? What set forth these horrendous clowns?
Must we all be afraid in the dark? Even in the light, masked as one of us?
Truth be told, the end is unclear. What is crystal? Is that a change we should ignite?
Although there is no telling who should be trusted and who should not be...
Faith, oh dim light, raise your wick! Lead these women through the thick and thin.
World, open your eyes for the population cannot grow without this sex. Why abuse it? Why should they repent?
Repent for what? Having organs that give birth? Should they be shunned and lower than dirt?
Closed eyes will never open unless the beholder wishes. Although, those who are willing to see the truth, will at least have the knowledge to disband this ruse.
Over the centuries, women have always been the less respected sex. But who started these ideas? What year is it? The twenty first?
It should not be! For technology has advanced, humans have evolved so what about the instances? Why do we regress?
One person, I may be. But I speak for many. Though people may have eyes and know the truth, they dare not to speak. Due to prejudice and ugly defeat.
May those with a willing voice, speak out! We are the people, no doubt. But we are the problem!
Humanity, where have you gone? Was there ever an equality between sexes?
Why must there be a dominance? Power hungry heathens, when did we become slaves to our own intelligence? Or the lack of?
An apology, from me, this is. To the people who experience this. For I am not one, because I stand against the powers of society.
Never have I inflicted damage on another, for the sake of my own fidelity.
Achieve what exactly, am I when I treat another human being less than myself?
The race of humans will become extinct, if we don't intervene.
Peace is not known without chaos, but how much chaos must calamity bring?
May 30, 2019
Inspired by 'Let Us Be' written by Daninfinity22. Written in 'To All My Stars'
I'm sorry about your friend. This shall be dedicated to her as well for her fall. To the women that have been lost and the women that will be, people whose are open, do something! For I speak and I am there for women, friends and strangers. Must these upbringings continue? This is the twenty first century! Why are we still dealing with these issues?
Assurgent Construction
PoetryA poetry collection of an American Filipino. the following expresses his thoughts and emotions as he studies abroad. This is the second book in Culture Distortion.