There's this ember burning within me that won't allow me to sleep.
It festers and it screams, how can this be?
Up until now I've been pushed and I've been shoved.
This time, it was more than that and I want to bring my head up.
My lungs fills as I stand and speak my peace.
Internally, I'm struggling because I feel powerless.
Justice, it will serve in time.
But each second, every moment, it feel like a year has gone by. .
The words that I want to say, I cannot speak directly.
For corruption is a problem and the blame that they declare is obsolete.
It is getting to the point where I'm breaking on the outside and in,
How can I fight when this is not fight to win?
But is it? Truly?
My friends are an extension of myself.
If they have been abused then I, myself, have too.
Authority, it has never rung well in my ears.
Land of the free, home of the brave,
A pride so thick for Texas it seeps.
Not only has this person tainted my atmosphere, they have tainted the name.
The name of the profession that I wish to be some day.
This person is the reason why I stand and steadfast.
How dare you taint the obligation that I am?
What does this say about you?
You declare that your personal issues are to blame.
An excuse. I hiss and I remember my own pain.
How can a person like you live knowing that you cause so much destruction?
I foresaw this, and I will not allow you to win.
Then again, I wonder, is this even my fight?
You've tainted the name that I wish to claim,
And the friend of mine in the midst of her bloom.
Suddenly, the quiet ones have voices, but only speak to me.
They're confused and not sure what to do.
Crossfire? No. Please!
All I can do is tell the truth.
My words are spoken and I tell the authority that this is what I know.
Question it if you like.
Whose word is more concrete?
Yours or mine?
You have many friends, but I have the truth.
If it's politics you want to play, I have my own set of tricks.
Don't think that I can't counteract this injustice.
The greatest thing is, I don't have to break the rules.
Because consequences for the truth don't threaten me.
You have threatened not only me but my friends, my extensions, my community.
There are no more warning shots.
Funny how I don't think you consider that I'm the one fighting against you.
Isn't it interesting? I've fought this battle before.
Maybe that's why I can't stand and watch.
Because I've suffered from the corrupted but I cannot allow the corrupt to surface in my wake.
Somehow, you've made it this far by stepping on others.
Let me educate you for a change.
I've been watching you.
Now that you've lit a fire,
Go ahead,
Be aware, however, that I too, am a flame.
April 9 2019
Assurgent Construction
PoesíaA poetry collection of an American Filipino. the following expresses his thoughts and emotions as he studies abroad. This is the second book in Culture Distortion.