the woods

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Today had been exhausting, school has just kicked my ass all day. To try and relax me and my friend jisung headed to an arcade after school, we met up at the front gate and headed out.

J: can you believe we had a total of 4 tests today

F: yeah you had 4 I had 5 because my 6th period wouldn't shut up so we got another one as a punishment

J: dang man I'm sorry

F: yeah, but lets forget about that, thats why we came here

It took us awhile because the arcade is kind of far but finally we arrived and entered, we played shooting games, glow hockey, and then dance dance revolution which I murdered him in.

J: why can't I win its just dancing!

F: because you don't have moves like me

I pulled at my collar acting cocky

J: shut up

He shoved me and we both laughed before heading to the food court within the arcade, we got burgers and a fry to share.

J: I so don't wanna go to school tomorrow, what do you say we ditch

F: didn't we already ditch last week

J: ok and?

F: we can't keep skipping when it gets hard, cause then it just gets harder plus soon our parents will find out-

J: come onnn lix don't be a baby

F: yeah yeah fine sure whatever but if we get in trouble I'm so saying I was peer pressured and it's all your fault

J: fine thats fair

We ate our burgers and joked around before leaving because it was late.
We walked outside and jisung started to stare in next the direction next to the arcade

F: what's wrong?

J: huh! Oh nothing it's just those woods are giving me the creeps especially since it's dark

F: yeah I'd rather not stare let's just go home

J: wait!

F: what?

J: I dare you to go in there!

F: are you crazy no way! Haven't you heard the stories

J: so what they're just stories

He rolled his eyes in disbelief but I knew if anything there's always some truth behind a story and these stories were scary.

F: they say everyone that enters goes missing dude no way!

J: come onnnn I'll pay for burgers tomorrow

F: you say that all the time and my wallet is always the one that ends up empty

J: I swear! Come on I'll pay

Before I could decline again he had already grabbed my arm dragging me into the direction of the woods, I tried pulling out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go

F: jisungggg stoppp, if you want me to go so badly why don't you come with me!

J: no way! cause who's gonna tell the story if we both die

F: that's not fair!

J: lifes not fair, come on don't you wanna be known as "the boy who lived!"

He gestured his hands dramatically but I don't care what others think I care about what I think right now and that was that there was no way in hell I was walking into those woods

J: come on man! This could make you famous in our neighborhood

F: ughhhh if I do this I swear to god your paying for burgers for the next week!

J: ok ok fine just go, try and go far enough to take a picture

I whined as he pushed me between a few bushes, I began walking into the forest I used my phone as a flashlight, I'll only go a bit farther and take a picture and run back I tried to tell myself reassuringly. I know one things for sure I've done some stupid things but this is by far one of the stupidest. As I walked farther the light from the arcade had disappeared, I freaked out and quickly went to the camera on my phone, I snapped a selfie, and went to run back. As soon as that sound of my camera went off I heard a twig snap in the distance. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or what but I knew I needed to leave I started speed walking towards the direction I came. Suddenly I heard more twigs snap but closer than before and before I knew it I was running, I felt something close behind and turned around and in a flash it tackled me to the ground, I looked up and met eyes with a white wolf.

Oop there goes the first chapter, I wonder who the white wolf is *cough* chan *cough*

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