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- Felix's POV -

My hand shook as I tried to ring the door bell, I still hadn't decided on what I was going to say, or how I was going to explain the terrifying experience he endured last night. Before I could ponder more on my thoughts the door opened and jisung stood looking tired and shaky.

F: h-hi

J: hey...

F: look I want to-

J: explain

F: yes.... Please

J: come in...

I followed jisung inside his house, greeted his parents and went to his room. We walked in and sat down on his bed I closed the door behind me to ensure his parents won't overhear our conversation.

F: ok so I know last night was a lot

J: tch a lot is an understatement.. You almost killed me!

F: and I'm sorry ok! I'm so sorry I wasn't in full control that night, but I'm doing better. I know it's crazy finding out your friends a werewolf after they try to kill you, but i haven't always been a werewolf I was turned last night after a week of hell and an unfortunate meet up with a secret admirer

J: so am I just supposed to hear all this and go out for burgers with you or the arcade like normal. I couldn't sleep all night Felix! after I woke up on the ground of my back yard I went to my room and locked my door in shock and fear!

F: I'm sorry!!, I know it won't change the trauma you experienced but I truly am sorry, I'd never want to hurt you please understand that

I felt tears stream down my cheeks, I was desperate for jisung to understand, I didn't want to lose my best friend.

J: i-.... I understand, and against all better judgement I forgive you, because your my best friend.

F: thank you!!

I quickly pulled him into a tight hug causing the hood of the hoodie to fall off my head. After pulling away from the hug jisung began to laugh

F: what's so funny

J: hahaha nothing

He suddenly reached and felt one of the ears on my head

F: oh shit my hood!

J: so this is all real huh

F: yeah is it weird?

J: nah I mean when have you ever been "normal" Haha

F: fair enough haha

It felt good to laugh with jisung, it was a relief to know he won't disown me.

J: what are we gonna do about jeongin and hyunjin?

F: I hate it but we have to lie. You see its already risky enough that you know werewolves exist, if word got out many people would be hurt

J: no I get it, in that case-

He put my good back on my head

J: you better be more careful sparky

F: shut up!

I shoved him and he laughed. Suddenly jisungs mom yelled someone was here to see him I looked at jisung and he looked back at me both of our glances confused. A knock came on jisungs door followed by a familiar face entering

J: minho!

M: hey you asked if I wanted to hang out today

J: oh crap I forgot I'm sorry

M: it's fine

Minho looked over at me and we made eye contact I sensed something was off he seemed.... Different

M: oh uh well your friends here I should probably leave

F: no it's fine I was just leaving actually don't mind me, I'll see you later jisung

J: oh uh ok lix text me ok we should get the guys together and hang out

I left jisungs house and headed back through the woods, what was up with that Minho guy he looked at me like I was a ghost. Also when did he start wearing baseball caps, actually now that I think about it he's always worn something on his head. I need to stop thinking about him he's unimportant, what's important is me and jisung are good again. I phased once I was farther in the woods and made my way back to the den I left a letter on my parents doorstep after leaving jisungs house informing them I was ok and I'd be gone for a while, I'm sure they'll be pissed but as long as they know I'm safe they should be alright. I was half way back to Chan's den when something tackled me to the ground , it was another wolf but not chan it was dark brown it was weird I could here it's thoughts.

S: it's called wolf telepathy it's how we communicate after we phase

F: seungmin!?

S: the one and only

I pushed him off of me and shook off the branches and leaves that got caught in my fur

F: why did you attack me!!

S: well it's good to keep your reflexes sharp

I growled at him and turned away from him preparing to continue back to the den as I planned, but he tackled me to the ground again

F: are you serious right now

S: come onnn I've never had a wolf around my age woojin and Chan are old and boring and changbin and I never used to get along, just entertain me for a bit

F: I'm not a toy

S: never said you were haha

He began to chase me around the woods and we each took chances to leap at one another rolling and playing around in the woods. I hate to say it, but it was fun. It all came to an end as we both collapsed to ground phasing human and out of breath.

S: your an idiot

F: speak for yourself

We both glanced at one another before bursting into laughter

F: hahaha let's go home

S: haha yeah

We walked back to then den and I realized seungmin might have a realistic personality but in the end he acted just like the puppy he resembled. We walked in the house dirty and panting

W: well don't you both look a mess, what happened get attacked by a bear on the way home

F: if you consider seungmin a bear than yes

S: I was only messing around we're fine

F: haha where's Chan

W: he's out hunting, I offered to join but he said he wanted to go alone

F: oh alright well I'm gonna go shower

W: alright

S: I'm going to as well

I went into Chan's room to borrow some clothes and went to take a shower before he returns


(Jisung and Felix are all good hooray! But whats minhos problem 👀 seungmin and Felix's friendship progresses😇)

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