secret admirer

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( I'm back everyone I'll update more to make up for lost time!! Please continue to read this Story 😭🙏💖)

- Felix POV -

I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the cafe where I'd meet binnie, I was nervous but excited and also regretting it, today I had such a good interaction with chan I felt like I was throwing it all away by doing this. But it feels necessary, I'm scared I'll get hurt if I continue to pursue chan. I sighed and quickened my pace, the cafe was farther than I remembered but eventually I arrived there I took out my phone and texted binnie

Felix: hey I'm here where are you?
            Binnie: look behind you :)

I turned around and there stood a boy around my age maybe even a year older than me. He was short with black hair and black clothing, if he wasn't so short he'd be extremely intimidating. He smiled at me and I felt my face flush, I didn't expect him to be so attractive

Bin: thank you so much for agreeing to meet me in person

F: it's no problem

We walked inside the cafe and sat down, he ordered an iced Americano and I did the same

Bin: I know it's kind of weird to just show up out of nowhere and request for you to meet me, but I didn't want to hide any more

F: no no it's fine I'm flattered honestly

- Changvin POV -

Felix was surprisingly so much kinder and out going than I had anticipated, now being able to see him up close I could see the the freckles that scattered his cheeks, it was honestly super cute, his smile was so bright as well- ahhh! this isn't right I can't think like this I'm supposed to gain his affection enough to crush chan and then disappear that's it. As much as I went over it in my head I knew deep down this is going to be harder than I thought I don't think I'll be able to hurt him. I bit my lip and tried to focus I need to do this..

- Felix POV -

I chatted with binnie for around an hour, we had a lot in common and he was honestly super funny, this is going so much better than I thought, but I can't start to gain feelings so fast, it started to get dark and binnie offered to walk me home, I didn't wanna be rude so I accepted, I was kind of scared to walk home alone by myself anyways. We left the cafe and headed in the direction towards my house

F: thank you so much today

Bin: no I should be thanking you, I'd really love to do this again

F: me to

I smiled towards binnie to make sure he knew I was sincere, I could be wrong but I swear I saw his face flush just a little bit. We chatted some more and arrived in front of my house.

F: thank you for walking me home

Bin: no problem, take care~

F: same to you

We waved goodbye to one another and I walked inside. Today had been such a good day,  I ate dinner with my family and went to bed, tomorrow I'd get to see chan again I smiled into my pillow and fell asleep

{Next morning}

I woke up and got ready and rushed to the bus stop, the faster today started the faster it'd end and I could see chan again. I made my way to my bus stop where my friends stood waiting for me

F: hi guys!

J: hey lix!

I.N: heyyy

H: hi there!

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