closer than you think

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- Felix POV -

I woke feeling like crap, today was Monday so I got dressed and headed to the bus stop where I met jisung and jeongin. However someone new was standing next to jeongin, he was tall, handsome with black hair and a beauty mark under his right eye. His arm laid over jeongins shoulders holding him quite close

F: hey guys

J: hey Lix!

Jisung greeted me with a hug and jeongin smiled and waved

I.N: Felix I want you to meet someone

F: hello

I waved to the unfamiliar face

H: hi my names hwang hyunjin

F: nice to meet you

Jisung whispered into me ear as he spoke "I don't like this guy" I nudged him in the stomach and looked at him to try and tell him not to be rude

I.N: he's my boyfriend

And with that me and jisung stood frozen in place.

F: boy-

J: -friend

Jeongin nodded shyly and this hyunjin guy smiled awkwardly his grasp not leaving jeongins shoulder. They looked cute together I won't lie, if anything I'm envious. I finally regained my composer and responded

F: that's awesome innie how are you younger than us both but your already in a relationship

I ruffled his hair playfully trying to hide my obvious jealousy

J: that's crazy! Hey you mister tall guy

F: it's hyunjin, jisung...

J: whatever, anyways you better take good care of our innie! You hear me!

H: I promise I will haha he means everything to me

Jeongin was a blushing mess it was both funny and adorable, soon after our bus arrived and we got on finding seats near the back

F: so how long have you been dating?

I.N: well it's been about a year, I actually met hyunjin online, but when we finally agreed to meet in person I had to move back to busan

H: even though he moved we kept in contact every day, and when he told me he was finally moving back I kinda got too excited and met him at the train station

I.N: It was insane I never thought I'd meet him so soon, I thought it'd be scary but I felt so comfortable

As they talked about they're little love story jeongin leaned into Hyunjins shoulder, hyunjin looked at him like he was his whole world, I couldn't help but think to myself- I want that, we arrived to the school and split ways jeongin and hyunjin went to their class and me n jisung went to ours. The day dragged on and on till it was finally lunch, jisung had to make up and assignment and I didn't wanna be a third wheel with hyunjin and jeongin so I decided to go to the roof top alone and eat lunch there. It was actually restricted to eat there but I'd only do it this once I doubt I'll get caught anyways, I made my way to the roof top passing a sign that said

"Restricted no students allowed "

Ok so maybe this wasn't the best idea but I'm already here, I headed out onto the roof and sat down on an air vent placing my lunch box next to me. I opened it revealing grilled steak and rice with vegetables, I love meat so much. I grabbed my chop sticks and prepared to dig in til I felt a sudden presence next to me, I looked over and there stood a person in a black hoodie covering their face.

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