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{ a/n I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been reading and supporting my story, I really appreciate it and hope you will all continue to support my story 😭❤❤}

- Felix's POV -

Suddenly my phone began to ring it was jisung,

[Phone call]

F: hello

J: hey we're hanging out come to my house right now

F: but-

J: did I stutter


He hung up on me! God he's lucky I care about his annoying ass

C: are you okay you look upset, who called you

F: no I'm fine it was just jisung he wants to hang out

C: well I guess your gonna have to decline I just almost had a heart attack I'm not letting you out of my sight

F: he didn't give me much of a choice

C: then I'm going with you

F: w-what!

C: you heard me I'm not risking anything, so where are we going

F: just to his house I'm guessing we're all gonna meet up there and make plans once we're all together

C: all?

F: yeah I'm sure he's inviting jeongin and hyunjin over

C: alright let's go then

F: do you think Seungmin and woojin would want to go, I feel bad

C: I can ask if you'd like

F: sure that'd be great it would make me happy if they did, I'll be outside

- Chans POV -

I've come to the conclusion I needed to keep Felix in my sights I won't baby him forever but right now I can't risk losing him, after he gets more adapted to being a wolf I'll be able to relax. Felix walked outside and I headed to woojins room

C: hey woojin me and Felix are going to his friends house do you wanna come?

W: sure it's been awhile since I've gone out

C: alright cool where's Seungmin?

W: in the shower I think

C: oh ok

I left woojins room and went to Seungmins room and knocked on his bathroom door

C: Seungmin!

S: what!!

C: we're going to Felix's friends house you wanna come?!

S: no!

C: Felix said it'd make him happy if we all went!!

I couldn't really hear him but I'm pretty sure he said "shit fine"

C: we'll wait for you outside!!

S: yeah yeah what ever!!

I left seungmins room and me and woojin went outside where Felix sat on the porch

C: so they're going

F: really!?

Felix's face lit up he looked so cute I wanted to hug and kiss him til I couldn't breath

C: haha yeah seungmin should be out soon

- Felix's POV -

It made me happy knowing all my friends would be there including my boyfriend, I was ecstatic and also a bit nervous cause this would be the first time jeongin and Hyunjin would be meeting Chan. 10 minutes later seungmin was out of the shower and came outside

F: thank you for agreeing to come

S: yeah sure its just cause it's been awhile since I've gotten out of the house

F: well still I'm greatful

S: be quiet freckle face let's go

Seungmin pushed past me and jumped off the porch phasing, I ran after him phasing as well and shoved him back I could hear him in his thoughts laughing chan and woojin followed behind us also phasing and we all headed to jisungs house. Once we got closer to civilization we phased human, and walked out the woods and onto the sidewalk. Woojin and seungmin wore baseball caps, chan a beanie, and I had the hood of my jacket to cover our ears, We all walked down the sidewalk and made it to jisungs house, we walked on the porch and I knocked on the door, it didn't take long til jisung opened the door beaming a bright smile

J: I knew you'd come

F: I didn't have a choice

J: haha fair enough

F: I brought friends, this is woojin and Seungmin and you've already met him but his names chan

J: nice to meet you all

W: likewise

S: you know you kinda resemble a squirrel

C: Seungmin come on manners!

S: sorry haha

F: it's fine chan he already knows he looks like a squirrel

J: yeah yeah, come on in

We all walked into jisungs house and went upstairs to his room his parents were on a business trip so he had the house to himself for a few days, jeongin and hyunjin we're sitting together on a beanbag chair in the corner of jisungs room

F: innieeee

I.N: lixxx

I ran over prying jeongin from hyunjins grasp and hugged him

I.N: we missed you where have you been

F: I've just been really busy a lot has gone down in the past couple weeks sorry I haven't called you

I.N: it's fine we were just worried

H: you had jeongin up all night at my place wondering what happened to you

F: ahhh innie I'm so sorry

I.N: it's fine cause your here now

Hyunjin quickly returned I.N to being wrapped in his arms after I let him go from my bear hug. They were such a cute couple, but now I no longer felt envious because I have my own person who I love more than anything now. As if he could read my mind he walked up from behind me wrapping his arm around my waist.

F: oh yeah these are my friends

W: hi I'm woojin

S: I'm seungmin

F: and then this is my boyfriend

C: I'm chan

I.N: boyfriend!!!

J: I know right our little lix is all grown up now

F: first of all your only a day older than me and innie you're younger than me!

J: that's just the fine print

I.N: you guys look so cute together

H: I'm jealoussss

I.N: but you have me

H: ah! I'm sorry don't pout innie!

As we were all bickering and laughing someone walked out of the bathroom in jisungs room, it was Minho.


(Friendships a beautiful thing😭❤, what's going to happen when Minho meets the rest of the pack once again after having ran away)

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