Phone Call

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- Felix's POV -

My heart raced this could be either good or bad news I swapped out with jisung so he could comfort jeongin and I walked away to answer the call

[Phone call]

C: hey

F: please tell me you have good news

C: he's alive

F: oh thank god!

C: but

F: but what!?

C: he's in a coma

F: ....

C: Felix?

F: what did the doctors say, is it temporary

C: it's too early to tell he's going in for a brain scan right now

F: well he's alive I just need something good to tell jeongin, he's an absolute wreck

C: yeah I know that feeling..

F: chan-

C: it's fine go take care of your friend I'll stay with hyunjin I sent seungmin and woojin home cause they were exhausted

F: I'll come over then I don't want you to be alone

C: your friend needs you I'll be fine

F: but-

C: I love you I'll keep in touch

F: I love you to but chan-


Ugh dammit! I don't care I'm going. I went back in the living room to give jeongin at least a bit of good news

F: innie?

He was still shaking

I.N: yeah..

F: I have good news

I.N: what good news could you possibly have-

F: he's alive

His head snapped up looking at me his eyes wide

I.N: he's a-alive?!

I nodded

I.N: oh my god he's alive

He gripped jisungs shirt sobbing into his chest but this time with a smile

I.N: oh thank god

F: but, he's in a coma, the doctors are currently trying to figure out how long til he wakes up

I.N: I'm just happy he's alive

I guess all the crying had him exhausted and the sudden good news relaxing enough to allow him to sleep, cause he fell asleep leaning on jisung

J: I can't believe this is happening

F: tell me about it, do you think innie can sleep here I'll call his parents and let them know he's safe, he's been through a lot

J: of course, I'll call don't worry

M: you should go with chan, I know he told you not to but we'll be fine

F: how did you-

M: wolf hearing

F: oh right I forgot, well I already planned on leaving haha I'll be on my way, text me if you need anything

I stood up walking towards jisungs back door opening it and running out phasing mid sprint. I ran making my way to the hospital, from jisungs house by car it would be about 3 hours I made it in about 45 minutes. I went to the front desk to ask what room hyunjin was in

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