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- Felix's POV -

I took a quick shower and tied a towel around my waist I got out and sat on the edge of chans bed when I got a message from an unknown number,

[Text message]

??? : hey

Felix: hello?

??? : it's minho we met earlier jisung gave me your number

Felix: oh hey what's up

??? : listen I know we don't know eachother very well but I want to meet up I have someone important to discuss with you

(This brings back memories)

Felix: and why must you meet me in person to tell me?

{Contact updated: Minho}

Minho: because it's not something I want to discuss over the phone

Felix: fine where do you want to meet?

Minho: is the cafe down the street ok at noon tomorrow?

Felix: alright see you then

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I remembered I was only in a towel.

F: ahhh your hands are cold

C: haha sorry, who are you going to meet up with?

F: oh he's just a friend

C: what's his name

F: Minho

C: huh idk why it sounds familiar, anyways were you planning on telling me you were going to meet him?

F: uh no, why haha why are you jealous

C: why would I be jealous, he's not the one with you in his bedroom in only a towel

Suddenly the situation I was in registered and I felt my cheeks burn

F: ok ok fair enough I'm gonna go get dressed

C: awe I like what you have on right now though

I ignored him covering my cherry red face and grabbed the clothes I had planned on changing into and ran into the bathroom to change. I came back out in jeans and one of his black shirts

F: do you own any thing that's not black haha

C: you've seen my closet haha you already know the answer

F: true

I walked over to chan who sat on the edge of the bed, he pulled me onto his lap

C: we should do something

F: like what

So many thoughts entered my mind some normal some sinful

C: like watch a movie or something

I immediately felt stupid for having such thoughts, but I was also kind of disappointed

C: why were you thinking of something else

Chan smirked at me and tilted my chin to look at him

F: w-what! No a movie sounds great what do you wanna watch?

C: you naked under me on this bed right now screaming my name- but how about we watch Avengers endgame.

F: w-wait w-what, n-n-naked? E-endgame?? Wahhh??

(Felix.exe has stopped working)

C: do you know how cute you are when your flustered haha

F: stopppp don't tease me like that!

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now