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I woke up around noon, it felt amazing, I looked over to my dresser to see a note from my mom saying her and my dad would be gone today cause of meeting at work. Which only means one thing. Bro day!. I pulled out my phone and texted jisung to come over and since he lives next door he was at my front door in 5 minutes. I heard my doorbell ring and ran down stairs to open the door

J: soooo mortal Kombat or Mario Kart

He said holding up each video game in one hand

F: both!

I said enthusiastically snatching them both from his hands running upstairs. He followed me and closed the door behind him. We went to my bedroom and sat on my bed.

F: oh! I almost forgot jeongins back!

J: baby innies back!!

F: yeah his family officially moved back to Seoul, should I invite him?

J: obviously!

I laughed and pulled out my phone calling his mom since he was too young to go without permission. Luckily his mom agreed to drop him off.

F: he'll be here in 20 minutes

Jisung smiled and bounced excitedly

In exactly 20 minutes his mom honked outside and me and jisung ran to let him. We went to my room and played video games and caught up. Even though I had my friends to distract me I couldn't help but wonder what chan was doing

- Chans POV -

After last night I felt conflicted I trotted throughout the Forest in my wolf form to not alert any passer byes. I walked along deep in thought, should I keep seeing this's easier when two wolves imprint because the feelings are normally reciprocated. But this, he feels nothing it's so complicated, I don't want to force this on him and complicate his life. But my instincts refuse to let me forget about him. I sighed when suddenly I heard something fastly approaching. Out from the bushes another wolf attempted to tackle me only I was faster pinning down the black wolf, my paw laid firmly over their neck.

C: did you really think you could attack me and I wouldn't notice

?: just making sure your reflexes were still sharp you looked out of it

C: I'm always aware of my surroundings changbin that's why I'm the alpha

I said releasing him from under me, he stood up and shook off the leaves that got caught in his fur after I pinned him down

Bin: yeah yeah

C: where are the others?

Bin: back at the den

C: then why are you out here

Bin: no reason

For some reason I didn't believe him, changbin was my third in command and very good hunter as well, but with these traits came is mysteriousness something told me he probably followed me and that didn't settle well. I can't let them know I imprinted on human, not yet.

C: alright then let's go

I ran ahead of him returning to my den where the rest of my pack resided. Now far from any humans we phased back into our human state.

?: chan!? Your finally back, you've disappeared a lot lately.

C: yeah I'm sorry woojin I trust you've held down the den while I was gone

W: of course I don't have the privilege of being your second in command for nothing

Changbin scoffed

C: what?

Bin: oh nothing, good having you back- I have things to do.

Before I could say anything he phased and ran off

C: what am I gonna do with him

W: he's a handful but he's worth tolerating.

I sighed woojin was right

For a den we didn't just have some cave in the woods it was a nice cabin with a surrounding fence to keep away any humans or woodland creatures. I walked inside with woojin to be warmly greeted by the last member of my pack

?: Chan hyung!!

C: hi Seungmin

Seungmin was the youngest in my pack, he ran over to me and I patted his head, out of all of us he resembled a puppy the most always happy go lucky and when in his wolf state unless he was angry his tail wagged.

S: where have you been!?

C: just been a bit busy is all I'll try to let you all know before I disappear.

S: we were all worried

C: yeah sorry about that

I smiled at him and went to my room within the cabin, besides the fact we eat raw meat we have a pretty humanistic lifestyle. We watch TV sleep in beds n such. Our wolf state is used mostly for hunting and makes getting places faster. I laid in bed and continued my thinking from earlier. One thing Felix didn't know yet was I'm actually enrolled at his school, I'm even in his class I never noticed till after I imprinted on him in the woods. Yesterday however I felt the link when he arrived to class late. I could here everyone whisper about him, half of me wanted to rip their throats out but instead I just spoke up to silence them, thanks to the teacher asking him to sit down I learned his name. This is all so much, I really want to see him again. I rolled over shoving my head into my pillow. Maybe tonight I'll stop by his house. He seemed kinda bummed when I left last night. I couldn't help but smile to myself at the thought. Maybe I can make him have feelings for me. Ugh what am I thinking he probably thinks I'ma freak. Suddenly I heard a knock on me door.

C: come in!

W: hey I know it hasn't been too long but I'm getting worried about changbin

I looked at the time, I had been over thinking for an hour now

C: I'll go look for him

Something gave me a bad feeling

- Changbins POV -

{An hour earlier}

Hearing woojin talk about being chans second in command made me sick, sure I was third, but hell I should be alpha all together. I phased and left not trying to hear any more of this crappy reunion- chans hardly ever here so how could he know what's good for this pack. I growled to myself as I ran mindlessly through the forest til a motive struck me. For the past couple of nights I've followed Chan out of curiosity to find him meeting a human, he was cute blonde hair freckles fair skin, but why a human. My questions were answered when I followed Chan to a park last night where he explained to the human he had imprinted on him. How pathetic he couldn't even imprint properly but alas if I can't take his right as alpha maybe I can take something else from him.. His mate. That night I followed the human home, using that information I made my way to the humans house.


(Welp now we know how Chan learned Felixs name and who was watching Felix last night- what's changbin going to do when he arrives at Felixs home, will Chan find out will changbins plan succeed 👀)

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