Meeting Up

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- Felix's POV -

I arrived at the cafe and texted Minho asking where he was he said "come inside I'll be sitting by the window" I did as he instructed and sat down in front of him

F: hey

M: hi

F: it's pretty empty in here today

M: yeah that's why I wanted to come here the less ears the better

F: why what did you want to talk about

M: Felix, are you a werewolf

F: w-what?! What kind of question is that, werewolves aren't real

M: don't lie to me

F: your crazy this must be a joke that I definitely don't have the time for, thanks but I'm leaving
My heart raced could Minho have figured it out, maybe he saw my ears when my hood feel down or maybe he overheard me and jisungs conversation. It's impossible but who knows I quickly got up and ran out of the cafe I felt Minho quickly behind me

M: wait come back!

I turned down an alley way hoping to shake him off, I waited and nothing came I sighed a breathe of relief until he turned the corner panting

M: your so childish you didn't have to run you know

F: why are you following me!!

M: shhh don't yell look ok!

He glanced both ways I guess looking to see if we were alone before he took off the black baseball cap he was wearing. I gasped at the sight, the caps removal revealed two grey ears atop his head, they twitched at the cold breeze.

M: do you see why I want to know!

F: wow fake ears very funny

I was still too scared to completely tell him the truth until he didn't give me much of a choice, he looked irritated and yanked down the hood of my jacket revealing my ears as well

M: are you done lying now?

F: what do you want I have serious trust issues ok, the last stranger I met is the one who turned me!

M: so you were turned! Just like me!

F: wait, you were turned?

Suddenly my conversation with chan from a couple nights ago popped in my head, he said they once had a member that was turned but he ran away

F: did you perhaps ever know someone named chan

M: so your apart of his pack huh?

F: well I mean he's my boyfriend

I couldn't help but blush

M: oh! Well take my advice. And leave while you can

F: w-what why

M: his pack is full of self and violent pricks I once met someone from his pack, and I thought he was pretty nice til I pissed him off and he attacked me and made me what I am today, I joined his pack because I was scared I didn't think I'd survive, but once I did I couldn't stand to look that person in the face again and so I left I had to abandon all my friends and family. Hence why I don't really mingle with others, your friend however he's..... Different.

I could see Minho had struggled a lot, I could also see it looked like jisung managed to open up his heart again and that made me happy

F: you don't have to worry

M: what do you mean?

F: I'm guessing the person who attacked you was changbin wasn't it

M: how did you know!

F: he turned me as well, but... He's dead now

M: he's dead!?

Minho looked as if he was about to collapse he leaned against the nearest wall of the alley he was quiet until he broke out into a sadistic laugh. It honestly scared me, his face twisted with a grin of pure pleasure

M: that bastard finally got what he deserved, you should still consider my advice being free is better than being tied down, you hunt for yourself and survive for yourself

F: yeah I don't think I'll take you up on that I like where I am

M: suit yourself, do me a favor and don't tell your friend I'm a werewolf

F: why not, he kinda already knows I'm one, if you truly care about him you should fess up

M: I will when I'm ready

He put his cap back on and started to walk away

M: take care of yourself freckle face

I put my hood back over my head and tried to comprehend everything that just happened, I decided to go back home and tell chan about my recent encounter. I arrived to the den and walked inside to find chan in the living room pacing, as soon as I walked inside he ran up to me and hugged me

F: woah did something happen

C: I'm just happy your ok

F: what do you mean I told you I was meeting up with a friend today

C: yeah well I went ahead and asked woojin about that one member we once had and I realized why his name sounded so familiar, he's the one that-

F: -ran away, yes I know haha it's fine he didn't hurt me he actually seemed worried for me he told me to leave your pack

C: what?!

F: I know weird huh I of course have no intention. But he's harmless chan don't worry I'm fine

C: your like a magnet for danger Felix I can't help but worry

F: haha sorry

Chan kissed my forehead


(Short but sweet chapter today, so turns out Minho was the one that got away,  now what will jisung think when he finds out that the people he cares about most are both blood thirsty carnivores👀)

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