meeting the pack

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- Felix's POV -

It was nerve wrecking to have chan and his pack in my house but I found my composer quickly. Woojin and seungmin were so kind so it was easy to get used to them we all sat on the couch and talked before I left to go to the kitchen to prepare the meal I promised them. I opened the fridge only to see no meat

F: oh no!

Chan heard me yell and ran to the kitchen

C: are you ok?! What happened?!

F: no no I'm fine it's just... We're out of meat.

I smiled awkwardly, I was so embarrassed I had promised them a meal just to not pull through in the end.

C: oh it's no big deal Felix I thought you got hurt of something-

F: no it's fine I'll just go to the market!

I ran past chan and grabbed my jacket, my parents wouldn't be home anytime soon so I could make a quick trip to the market. Before I could open the door chan ran after me and grabbed ahold of my arm

C: you can't go alone! It's dark

F: I'll be fine

I won't lie, I was terrified but I wasn't going to not uphold my promise

C: I'll go with you

F: no it's fine

C: I'm going

Chan said that last part in a stern tone, I could tell he was trying to be serious and that made my heart flutter, something about his dominance made me flustered, I decided not to argue

F: ok ok, will they be ok alone

C: they'll be fine

I waved to woojin and Seungmin and me and Chan headed out. The walk was quiet, I was a bit on edge I didn't know how to start the conversation

C: I can hear your heart racing are you ok? Scared?

F: huh oh um-

Before I could muster a response I felt Chan grab my hand

C: don't worry I won't let anything happen to you.

All I could do was nod, luckily it was dark outside so he couldn't see my cheeks flush at this sudden skin ship and his kind words. We arrived at the market and walked to the meat isle, I witnessed Chan's hard exterior crumble as he stared at all the food, I could swear he was drooling

F: go ahead pick whatever you want, within some reason haha I don't have a lot of money

C: thank you so much Felix this means a lot, I promise I'll pay you back

F: don't worry about it

Chan picked out a bunch of different meats consisting of steaks, pork shops and chicken.  We went to the checkout, I scanned all the items and it came to a total of $54.95 I winced at the large number and used almost all my allowance to purchase it. Chan grabbed the bags and we headed back to my house

C: thanks again

F: don't worry about it-

C: no I'm serious, this means a lot, you didn't have to do this but you did, and I appreciate it

I can sense his sincerity it was kinda overwhelming

F: you'll just owe me big time in the future

I winked at him and he smiled. We arrived back home and walked inside woojin and seungmin perked up immediately at the sight of all the meat.

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now