Fighting the venom

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- Chans POV -

I woke up before Felix, I looked down as he stayed curled up in my arms. He was so perfect, and he was mine, I lightly shook him awake. I would've prefered not to but we have school. Luckily after this week it's summer break. Felix woke up and looked up at me half awake, he looked so cutely dazed

C: good morning sleepy head

F: ughhh 5 more minutes

C: as much as I would love to spend all day here with you, we'll be late if we don't get up now

F: then lets be late

C: haha yeah ok... No

I got out of bed and he grabbed my arm

F: nooooo

I leaned down as if I was hugging him but in reality I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder

F: you tricked me let me go I don't wanna go stoppp

C: too bad we have to get ready, it's just a week and then it's summer break you'll survive

- Felix's POV -

Chan carried me over his shoulder and out the room, it wasn't school I was scared of it was confronting jisung and my other friends, and especially my parents.

F: please let me goooo

C: alright

He put me down but instead of the room we were now in the bathroom

C: you have to shower

F: ugh fine

I went to take off my shirt when I noticed Chan hadn't left the bathroom yet

F: um, do you need something

C: yeah, we have to shower

Normally I'd probably be nervous but elated but right now wasn't the best time the wound on my stomach was gross and i didn't want Chan to see me in such a disgusting condition.

F: w-what um no I take long showers in excruciatingly hot water soooo you should just go after me-

C: Felix

F: yeah...?

C: calm down

F: w-what I am calm what do you mean I just-

C: it's the bite isn't it

Chan gently placed his hand on the spot where the bite was located on my side

C: there's nothing to be embarrassed of, I was attracted to you before the mark and I still am

I believed him but I was still hesitant on agreeing to this situation. As if he sensed my hesitation he kissed me softly on my lips then my nose cheek forehead. It made me giggle

C: I understand if your embarrassed and I won't force you do anything your not comfortable with, I'll be in the bedroom when you get out.

F: thank you for understanding

Chan left the bathroom and I turned on the shower, I felt bad I didn't want to deny him like that. After this is all over things will be different, I'll be like him and we'll have almost forever to do anything and everything together. I quickly got in the shower and changed into the clothes Chan had came back laid out on the sink for me. I returned to the room and Chan wasn't there, suddenly the door opened and Chan walked in wearing only a towel, his hair dripping with water.

F: c-chan what are you doing

C: what does it look like I'm getting dressed this is my room isn't

F: y-yeah

C: I used woojins shower so we wouldn't be late

I was stunned I couldn't help but stare his skin was like porcelain along with toned abs after realizing I was staring I quickly turned around and ran out of the room just as I closed the door I could her Chan chuckle to himself. Its not fair! He's such a tease. I sat on the couch in the living room and he came out dressed.

C: ready to go

F: yep

We said goodbye to woojin and seungmin and made our way through the woods to the sidewalk on the street to the school. We walked and chatted till finally we were outside the school gates

C: you know where to find me during lunch here's my phone number, I should've given it to you sooner, call me if you start to feel unwell.

F: alright thank you but I'll be fine

C: I love how optimistic you are about the situation but don't lie to yourself please lean on me a little ok I promise I'm here to help you

I kissed his cheek, I didn't want him to stress about me sure I get it I'm not in the best shape my side hurts like hell I feel dizzy but if I ignore it and focus on the positive maybe I can make it through this

F: just trust me

He gave me a weak smile and we walked into the school and entered class. Jisung immediately ran over to me and hugged me when I entered the class, Chan smiled at me and went to his desk in the back of the class. Jisungs display of affection didn't last long before he punched be in the arm

J: how could you worry me like that!

F: look I'm sorry, something just came up yesterday and I misplaced my phone

J: ughhhh I'm sorry, I should've walked home with you like I always do

F: I'm fine jisung don't worry let's go sit down

He sighed and we went to our desks I spent the class period making up some bogus story to explain to jisung, and to jeongin and hyunjin later on when I saw them in the hallway between classes. The day was going by slowly as time went on my body was beginning to ache and burn but it wasn't anything unbearable. I started to feel a bit extra uncomfortable right before lunch and left to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face to try and cool down, suddenly I started coughing uncontrollably I looked into the sink and there was blood I quickly rinsed it away and ignored it. I felt a bit weak so I texted Chan I had to make up a quiz so I wouldn't see him for lunch, however the truth was I felt too weak to go up the stairs to the roof right now. I know I should tell him everythings not going so great but I don't wanna worry him. The day finally ended and jisung met me by the gate at the entrance of the school.

J: I'm not taking my eyes of you now

F: ok ok let's go home haha

I walked home with jisung and he talked about how minho was so handsome and kind but always teased him. It was cute to see jisung so smitten by someone.

J: when are you gonna find someone, you can't be a lonely soul forever ya know

F: well maybe I did

J: what!?! Why am I just now finding out!!

F: haha I don't know cause I just never had the time to tell you

J: you have to tell me everything now

F: another time I have to explain to my parents why I didn't come home last night, thanks for covering for me by the way

J: no problem, I expect a whole explanation on this secret lover of yours tomorrow

F: shut up haha

I said goodbye to jisung and made up another excuse for my parents as to why I didn't come home last night, they were furious but I made a good enough excuse for them not to kill me. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed I was exhausted and felt like crap, forcing my body to survive the effects of the venom was going to be difficult. Just as I went to close my eyes I heard a tapping at my bedroom window.


(Will Felix fess up about how the venoms truly affecting him, who's at his window this late at night )

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