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- Chan's POV -

I ran over to Felix as fast as I could I grabbed him in my arms picking him up and placing him on the couch

S: is he ok he doesn't look injured!?

C: I don't know

His body felt cold but he was sweating

C: Felix please wake up

I gently shook him and checked his pulse his heart was still beating but his breathing was lagging. Thankfully he started to regain consciousness.

- Felix's POV -

I suddenly was able to open my eyes again, I felt like my insides were on fire

F: c-chan..

C: Felix! Are you ok what happened are you in pain?!

F: I don't know it was all so sudden, I feel like my bodies on fire

I groaned and shifted

C: you feel like ice though

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain near my left side of my abdomen I instinctively grabbed it

C: is that where it hurts

I nodded slightly

S: I'm gonna need you to stand up Felix

F: but it hurts

S: I know and I'm sorry but I need to check to see if there are any open wounds

I nodded and stood up as seungmin asked, he grabbed the sides of my shirt lifting them up, to my surprise and everyone else's, there was a bite mark on my abdomen the skin around it was discolored. It looked disgusting I noticed Chan staring and I quickly pulled my shirt down, I didn't want him to see me in such a bad state.

S: oh god

C: this can't be happening

I could see Chan shaking, I was confused it was just a bite.

F: what's wrong, its only a bite

W: it's not just a bite Felix, just like in stories if your bitten by the supernatural it can do 1 of 2 things

S: it can change you

C: or it can kill you

I felt uneasy as Chan's voice broke on that last part, I sat back down and I felt panic rise within me. I felt Chan's hand brush against my cheek, I was confused until I noticed tears were pouring out of my eyes.

F: Chan... I'm scared

Scared was honestly an understatement I was terrified

C: don't be

He held my hand and squeezed it

C: I won't let you die, no matter what, ok

I nodded and he pulled me into a tight hug, I couldn't hold it back anymore I began sobbing loudly in his embrace

- Chan's POV -

It hurt me so much to see Felix in this state and it was all my fault, I should've ran away and never let him get involved with me. Maybe then he'd be living a happy life, probably playing video games with his friends right now. I rubbed his back and tried to calm him down. That's all I was good for right now

C: seungmin please clean and bandage the wound woojin can I talk to you in the other room.

Both of them nodded

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now