Ferris Wheel

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{ a/n sorry for the large amount of minsung I just love that ship 😅 }

- Minho's POV-

Me and jisung got on the ferris wheel first, I was already nervous to confess and now I feel like I'm going to puke from being up so high, but I need to keep my composure. I can't wuss out, finally when we reached the top of the ferris wheel it stopped, I stared at jisung who sat across from me, he looked out at the sunset, practically glowing, I couldn't help myself and let my words slip

M: beautiful~

J: I know right the sunset is so beautiful

God I'm in love with an idiot

M: no jisung I meant you, I have something I want to tell you

He looked at me intrigued with a faint shade of pink covering his cute puffy cheeks.

J: what's up?

M: well.... To start off.... I um

He stared me dead in my eyes I found it extremely hard to focus so I responded with actions it's the only thing I could muster right now. I put my hand on the nape of his neck pulling him forward into a kiss. He didn't reject me and so I pulled away hoping he wasn't disgusted, he opened he eyes and I saw a small smile tugging at his lips, I turned my head down and finally let the words leave my mouth

M: jisung I like you like alot I think I'm in love with you

J: I like you to! I've liked you since I laid eyes on you and now getting to know you more your all I think about

I couldn't believe what I was hearing it was as if it was a dream

M: but there's something else.... It might change how you feel

J: nothing could change how I feel-

M: -I'm a werewolf

Suddenly his face went blank

- Jisung's  POV -

He's a werewolf, I couldn't help but get flashbacks from that time Felix almost killed me, I know it wasn't his fault but I couldn't help but tremble at minho's confession, I was scared and I hated it, I saw him starting to panick. I knew nothing bad would happen I need to pull myself together, this is the moment I've always dreamt about minus the wolf part.

J: I don't care

M: w-what!?

J: I said I don't care, Felix is a wolf to but he's still my best friend and I care about him, I also care about you so I'll accept you no matter what

His eyes glistened with tears

J: are you ok I'm sorry did I say something wrong!?

M: no! I'm just.... Happy

This time I initiated the kiss reassuring him of my feelings

- Felix's POV -

Wolf hearing sure does come in handy when you want to spy on your best friend, it made me happy to hear jisung so in love and it felt good to hear Minho open up for once, I can already tell they'll be a super cute couple. But something else now concerned me, chan also heard everything and he looked worried

F: what's wrong

C: I just don't think it's wise for your friend to know so much

F: it'll be fine I swear please don't worry

C: I trust you Felix, it's your friend I don't trust

F: all you have to do is trust me, because I trust jisung ok

C: alright

Finally the ferris wheel moved and me and chan were at the top the sun had completely set and it was now night, the stars shimmered across the vast darkness that was the sky. I couldn't help but stare it was so pretty

C: you know your freckles kind of remind me of the stars

F: how so

C: well for starters they are beautiful, but they also surround the world, and to me, you're my world

How was someone so good with their words but equally as embarrassed, it was dark but the moon light exposed his red cheeks.

F: I love you so much chan

C: I know you do haha

F: way to ruin the moment!

I playfully punched his arm and he grabbed my wrists pulling me towards him placing small pecks all over my face

F: promise me something

C: anything

F: that we'll stay together forever no matter what

C: of course we will, as if I'd let you leave so easily haha

F: likewise

I sat next to chan and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we went back down the ferris wheel. Today had been beyond perfect


(Short but cute chapter❤, will they end the day perfect or will something go wrong)

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now